“Alcohol is not the answer. I’ll get you some more water and have the limo take you home.”
We both looked up in surprise.What the hell?It was just some shots, and he’d been with us to one of Corey’s parties before.
Emma shook her head. “I’m not ready to go home yet. I want to go to the party.”
“Fine,” Nic conceded, something passing over his expression. “We’ll go to the party, but you’re not drinking.” He took off to refill her cup, leaving Emma and I to shrug and share confused looks as we waited for the others to return.
Chapter 24
Leaning over the counter as I reapplied my lip gloss, I smiled to myself, nervous butterflies beginning to flutter about in my stomach. I smoothed my hands over my dress, refusing to allow myself to freak out.
Today had been wonderful. I’d gotten to watch Chloe again this morning, and all the extra hurt that had been building in my chest dissipated as soon as that little girl was in my arms. I’d even left the daycare and made it through the afternoon without the pain gripping me like it had what felt like a million times before, and it suddenly felt like everything might really be okay. That the hurt from losing my daughter didn’t have to cripple me anymore. Not if I didn’t want it to.
But it was when I’d taken a drive down the beach that Iknewthings were finally falling into place. That I might finally be ready to let myself heal.
That euphoria followed me the rest of the day, and I couldn’t wait to share it with Tucker, even putting together a surprise for him for later. He deserved it. Webothdid. The way he held me on the dance floor tonight?The way he couldn’t take his eyes off me? I felt like a princess, and he was my prince. Forever my knight in shining armor.
A couple of girls walked in, and when one of them mentioned the time, my stomach swooped. Time always flew by when I danced, and it wouldn’t be long before I could give Tucker my surprise. Taking one last glance in the mirror, I slipped my lip gloss back in my clutch and went to go find him.
The deserted school halls greeted me when I stepped out, the feeling almost creepy in the after hours, especially since I’d gone to a restroom further down from the gym when the one near the chaperones was overcrowded. The sound of my heels filled the air as they clicked against the tiles, but I paused before turning the last corner, certain I could hear voices. Except there wasn’t anybody that I could see.
Frowning, I took another step and heard it again.Where is it coming from?I stayed still, focusing, and eventually, I could make out two voices coming from a nearby classroom. They were muffled but definitely male and female. My eyes widened when I heard the girl cry out in pleasure, and the guy followed a few seconds later with a satisfied groan.
I pressed my hand to my mouth and moved to my tiptoes, not wanting them to know anyone had overheard. I’d have been mortified if it had been me, but as I was about to pass the classroom, I heard one of them walking towards the door. I froze, afraid to move as they started to argue.
“You don’t always have to be so rough,” the girl complained.
“Like you don’t eat it up. Your cunt sure fucking does.”
“Not a slut. Letting you fuck me is self preservation.”
“It at least passes the time.”
“It makes you look good that you’re not sleeping around all the time. I’m your dirty little secret until you get what you want, and then you’ll dump my ass.”
“And you’ll have who you want, too,” the guy snapped. “Now, did you do the shit I told you to?”
The girl took a breath, her voice dismissive. “I don’t know where they are. I left to smoke a joint around back, and when I came back inside, they were gone. I was going to go check the restrooms before you dragged me inhere.”
“Fuck. They better not have left,” the guy growled, his tone causing a chill to race down my spine.
“Calm down, jackass. I’m sure they’re here somewhere. The gym’s so crowded, I probably just missed them.”
There was a pause before the guy spoke again. “You better be right. I’ve been waiting long enough.”
“Calm your tits.” I could hear the girl’s eye roll. “I just have to go find them.”
“Well, you better do it soon. It’s getting late, and this won’t work if you don’t.”
“I still don’t get why you can’t get your ass out there and help me. It would go so much faster. I’m practically missing prom for this,” the girl pouted.
“You know why I can’t help. It’s up to you.”