Page 70 of Survival

“I know.”

I marched past him and used my foot to shut the door as I brought Izzy into our room. “It’s okay, princess. I’m here,” I murmured in her ear as I carried her over to the bed, street lamps from outside shining just enough through the windows for me to see. The covers were rumpled and thrown back, and I laid her down, my arms never leaving her as I crawled in to wrap my body around hers.

I reached down, bringing the covers over us, and Izzy pressed herself to me, throwing her leg over my hips to pull me closer, like she was terrified I would leave. Her nails suddenly dug into my chest, and I grunted, her body still trembling. I reached between us and took her hand in mine to gently pull it free, then brought it up to my lips to press a kiss to each of her knuckles.

“I’m not leaving. I promise. You’re okay.”

She nodded, gulping a deep, ragged sigh, and dragged her hand back down between us, tucking it against her chest and mine. I wrapped my arm around her back, cupping her neck beneath her hair as I pulled her as close as I could, encasing her. Wanting all of her doubts gone. I wasn’t leaving again.

Eventually, her breathing started to ease, and her muscles soon followed. My own body was already relaxed, holding her close easing the knots and the nightmares that had plagued me when I was alone. I listened to her steady breathing as she finally lost the battle to sleep and let the calming rhythm lull me into my own, my heart beating content as I fell asleep in her arms.

The next morning came way too early, something stirring me from sleep. I drew in a deep breath, not ready to get up. It was Sunday. If we went to church, it wasn’t until ten, and I didn’t have to be at work until one. Izzy was still wrapped in my arms, her body soft and inviting. It was reason enough not to get up, and I buried my nose into her hair, drinking her in as I tried to drift back to sleep.

“I don’twantthis for her, Blake. She’s too young. They both are.” Bridgette’s voice carried through the closed door, and I held back a groan. Where the fuck were they? On the damn stairs?

“Bridge…I know it’s hard to hear this, but your girls grew up a lot this past year. They’ve been growing up ever since Patrick got sick, and with you gone, they had to learn toreallysurvive on their own. They’re not children anymore.”

“They’reeighteen, Blake.”

“Exactly. They’re eighteen. Do you not remember what that was like? Whatyouput Mom through? Except Izzy’s been through so much more than you had at her age. Did you not see her last night?”

“I did.” Bridgette’s voice stressed as it broke. “Of course, I did. But it can’talwaysbe that bad, right? They fought yesterday. Maybe that was it.”

There was a pause where I could picture Blake giving his sister a look. “That wasn’t just from a fight, and I think you know that.”

“So, I’m just supposed to allow Tucker to stay here? Chuck and Jenna should havetoldme this was going on.”

“So you could do what about it? Come home before you were ready?”

“No. I just… I feel like I’vefailedthem, Blake. All of them. I know I have. Patrick would be so disappointed in me if he was here.” I heard the dejection and regret bleeding through her words and wondered for a moment if I should wake Izzy up. If it would do her any good to hear her mom, but when she shifted a bit in my arms, her head adjusting on my chest, I realized she was already awake.

“Patrick would love you if he was here. No matter what.” Blake’s voice was firm. “But you have to do what’s right for Izzy. She needs help, Bridge, and if having Tucker here at night makes things easier for her, then I think you should consider it.”

“Oh, God. Maybe you’re right.”

“He is.” Annie’s voice rang clear next, though it dripped with aggravation. “You don’t know what it’s like, Mom. Izzy doesn’t sleep when Tucker’s not here. Yeah, lastnight was bad, but them sharing that room? That’s what’s helped her keep going. She’s getting better. Slowly, but she is. You honestly think I’d suck up being left alone with my own nightmares if it wasn’t what was best for her?”

“Annie…” Bridgette said as Izzy flinched.

“No. I wasn’t trying to make this about me. I’ve got my own shit to deal with, but I’m telling you, if you try to separate those two, you’re going to lose Izzy even more than you already have. And where’s Archer?”

“In my room. He saw Izzy last night.”

“Perfect.” Sarcasm dripped from her voice. “And just so y’all know, talking in Archer’s doorway is not quiet.” She padded back down the hall and slammed her bedroom door.

There were a few scrambled murmurs, and then I heard footsteps heading down the stairs. Izzy and I both laid still several minutes into the quiet before I finally broke it.

“How much did you hear?”

“Most of it. Maybe all of it. You did that leg stretch thing again and woke me up.”

I did?

“You okay?”

Several seconds passed before Izzy softly murmured, “That depends.”

“On what?”