I set my phone on the porch rail when I finished the call with Izzy and looked over at Jet. We were both covered in sweat, the two of us out in my driveway the past few hours with a basketball.
“Izzy finally called?”
“Yep. She’s on her way home. She wants me to be there. Have you heard from Annie yet?” I tossed him the ball, and he just tucked it under his arm, worry crossing his usually steady features.
“No. You know we talked earlier, but then I managed to piss her off again, and she’s still out on her run. I feel like the world’s worst fuckup boyfriend right now. Her mom’s coming home, and instead of offering her support, I just made her feel like crap. I seriously didn’t know the Ruby thing was such a big deal. She’s just someone I work with.”
“Yeah, but I told you Annie didn’t trust Ruby. That girl’s trouble. You just don’t want to see it.”
Jet shook his head. “I see that Annie’s worried, but I still think it’s over nothing. At best, Ruby is afriend.”
“Toyou.” I gave him a look, wanting him to see. “Take it from someone who used to play the field. I know the fucking games, man, and Ruby wants you. You better watch it, or you’re going to end up with your own Lisa on your hands. Except Annie’s a lot less tolerant than Izzy. My girl ignores it. Annie’s going to tear Ruby to shreds if she goes too far.”
Jet rolled his eyes, and his head fell back. “Even if she wants me, I don’t want her. Why isn’t that enough?”
The fuck?Where was Jet’s head? How did he not get this? “Annie’s jealous, man, and she’s going through a lot of shit right now.That’swhy it’s not enough. Think about it. Has Annieeverbeen jealous before? And even if she’s not, she’s having to stake her claim. She shouldn’thaveto. You better fix that shit before it comes back to bite you in the ass.”
Jet frowned, and I prayed some of what I said was finally starting to sink in. His phone rang, and when he pulled it out, I saw Ruby’s name across the screen. I shot him a look, and Jet sighed, dropping his phone back in his pocket. “Okay, I hear you.”
“Good. Now, call your girl and fix things before she comes home because tonight’s gonna be rough. I’m gonna go take a shower before Izzy gets back. Seriously, call Annie.” Jet nodded, and I watched him pull out his phone as I headed inside, feeling like I was in the twilight zone. Because since when hadIbeen the one that gave relationship advice?
The pavement pounded beneath my feet, my head spinning, chasing my euphoria. I would have to go home soon. I knew it. But I was just so damn frustrated. Jet hadalwayshad my back, but today, he’d let me down, and it felt like the rug had been ripped out from under my feet. I didnotknow how to process this, especially today. I needed him today more than ever, but all he’d done was tell me I was overreacting. It felt like I’d been slapped in the face.
I’d grabbed my workout gear and ran.
It hadn’t helped.
Now, it was getting late, the sky turning into the pink and orange hues of sunset, and I knew I couldn’t leave Izzy to face Mom alone. I slowed, resting my hands on my hips as I caught my breath, and paused to send my sister a text, letting her know where I was. She could pick me up on her way home.
Izzy: Be there soon.
I sank down to the ground, resting my elbows on my knees, and I dropped my head into my hands just as my phone rang.
My heart leapt, somewhere between a confusing mix of joy, hope, and apprehension when I saw Jet’s name across the screen. Bracing myself, I answered.
“I’m an idiot. I should have just listened to what you had to say. It doesn’t matter what I think. If it bothers you, it’s valid. I’m sorry.”
Tears burst from my eyes, and I choked back a sob, those words exactly what I needed to hear.
“Annie? Sweetheart?” Worry threaded through Jet’s tone.
I sniffed and wiped my tears away with the heel of my palm. “I’m here. I’m fine. I just really needed to hear that.”
“You deserved to hear it sooner.”
I shook my head. He was just so wonderful. “I’m sorry we fought. I was mad at the others more than you, but when you didn’t back me up…”
“I know. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry we fought, too. Where are you? Do you want me to come pick you up?”
“Um, no. Izzy’s about to come get me. Will you meet me at the house, though?”
“I’ll be there.”
We hung up, and I made a weird laugh-sigh noise in relief. I hated being at odds with Jet. It just wasn’t natural.