Page 61 of Survival

“Go sit down, Izzy.”

I stopped a few steps away from the table the bitch was serving, waiting, and the second Ruby stepped away, I slidin front of her. “Excuse me, miss. Could I talk to you about what we ordered?” I said it in my sweetest voice for the people nearby, but the warning in my eyes was clear.

“Um. Yeah.” She stepped off to the side by the wall. “Look, I’m sorry. I should’ve watched where I was going—”

I shook my head, cutting her off. “Bullshit. I saw the look on your face. You knew exactly what you were doing, except you thought it wasmeyou were about to take out. And trust me, you’re glad you missed because no one messes with my sister. You might have Jet fooled into thinking you’re some nice girl, but I know exactly how you are.” I held up my hand, showing her the ring on my finger. “See this? This is Jet’s promise to me that he’s mine. That we’re meant to be. He’s already asked my dad for permission tomarryme one day. You’re not even on his radar. So back off, cuz I won’t stand around and let you fucking try to steal what’s mine.”

Her eyebrow rose, and there was a challenge in her gaze, but I stared her down, a million promises going through my silent threat. Eventually, I turned away. “Fuck with what’s mine, and I’ll fuck with you. Back off,” I threw over my shoulder before I went back to meet my friends.

I was still stewing by the time we got back to Emma’s, but I was doing my best to get over it, not wanting to ruin the mood. It had been such a shit afternoon so far. Most of it, at least.

I tuned back in as Casey was talking about the latest guy she was hooking up with, one of her last comments catching my attention.

“I mean, neither of us wants a relationship since he’s about to go off to college, but why not have some fun while he’s here? I know he appreciates thefavor.” She winked, making the same gesture I’d done for Megan earlier before grabbing a giant furry pillow off Emma’s bed to settle on the floor.

“Oh, I bet he does.” Emma tossed down a few more, the rest of us getting comfortable for the sleepover. “I know Mat—, well, you-know-who would appreciate it if I ever gave into him.”

“Y’all are awful.” Dinah shook her head with a grin.

“What?” Casey smirked. “As long as they like returning the favor afterwards.”

“Annie loves returning favors.”

My eyes shot open, and everyone turned to look at my twin.

“Izzy,” I hissed, but she shrugged.

“What? You do, and from what you’ve told me, Jet isgreatat giving them.”

I dropped my head into my hands, feeling heat hit my cheeks. Damn Izzy and her mouth. I’d thought we’d put our drama on hold after leaving the studio. What was with her today?

Megan grinned wide. “Alright, Jet. I always wondered if he was good.”

“Hey!” My mouth gaped.

“What? Y’all are like the dream couple, and he’s fucking hot. We’re just curious.” Casey scooted in for the gossip. “Love to hear that he gives first. That just makes him hotter.”

“Y’all!” My head whipped between my friends, my face staining all the way from pink to red. “Izzy likes giving favors, too.” I blurted it without thinking.

All eyes turned to Izzy,herfeatures flushing pink this time. Casey grinned her biggest smile yet. “Al-right, Tucker. Does he give back?”

Izzy shot me a glare, but the sting wasn’t really there since she’d struck first. She looked back at our friends. “No. Just me.”

Megan frowned. “Too bad. You’d think with his past rep that he would.”

“It’s not that he doesn’t want to. I won’t let him. There’s a lot of things I don’t let him do anymore.” Izzy’s voice fell meek as she looked down at the carpet, and I watched as her eyes went dull. My stomach swooped at the sight. It was like she was regressing despite her progress, and none of us had any clue why. I couldn’t figure out how to reach her.

“Hey, Ems, you ready to open your presents?” I asked, giving Izzy the change of subject she clearly needed.

The distraction worked, and after gifts, we scarfed down cake and ice cream in wine glasses and then headed back to Emma’s room for the remainder of the night to listen to music and gossip, taking turns painting each other’s nails. When everyone started getting ready for bed, Megan took off for the bathroom while Emma, Casey, and Dinah changed in the room. Normally, I would have, too, but I really needed to pee. I understood why Izzy wouldn’t change in here. It was the same reason she wouldn’t change in front ofmeanymore, or Tucker. And probably a huge part of the reason she was still holding back from him. Though it would be pulling teeth to everget her to say it. But her scars weren’t going away.Physical ones or the emotional.

Izzy excused herself for her turn when Megan came back, and Megan plopped down on a pillow next to Emma on the floor. “Okay, is it just me, or has your dad been giving me some really weird looks lately?”

I caught Emma’s gaze and saw the hurt flash in her eyes. Megan had been her best friend for years, but all I could think about was what happened with her dad and Mateo in the gym.

“I’ll be right back.” Emma hopped up and hurried down the hall.

Megan looked between Casey, Dinah, and I, confused. “Did I say something?”