I’d been an idiot for ever withholding this from him. It was too much fun. I didn’t even care how uncomfortable it was for my jaw to take him in. That, I could get used to. Especially if it meant things could feel even a fraction of the way they had before.
What we shared between us had always been breathtaking, and now, I knew I wanted it back, tenfold, and this was the first step to getting there. Feeling my man writhe under my tongue.
When his hands wrapped themselves in my hair and his legs twitched by my sides, his breaths quick, I knew he wasn’t far off, but I wasn’t nearly ready for this to be over. Popping him out of my mouth, I gave a long, slow lick all the way up his cock and sent him a saucy look before sucking him back in. Changing my pace then, I slowed my rhythm, and Tucker groaned, tugging at my hair like I’d let him have a say.
“God, princess, yes. Suck me. Just like that.”
I went deeper, opening my throat to take him in as my core clenched, my pussy dripping at his words. He cursed again, one of his hands now fisting in my hair as the other gripped the sheets, and I held my slower pace, loving the moans that rumbled from deep in his chest. When his legs eventually began to shake again, I quickened my pace one last time, knowing how he liked to finish, and I peered up at him, every ounce of desire I held for him in my gaze. I wanted to see his face when gratification hit.
The second he locked his eyes with mine, those whiskey depths widened in surprise.
“Shit, fuck, Izzy, I’m gonna—” He tugged at my hair to pull me away, but I held firm, keeping my lips locked around the head of his cock as he burst in long spurts into my mouth.
When he finally finished, I sat back and swallowed, a wide grin spreading across my face. He was spent, his expression still in shock as he caught his breath, and I pulled my top back on before crawling back up against his side to tuck myself into his chest.
“I hope that was good.”
Tucker glanced down at me, love and admiration blazing through his gaze. “Thatwas perfect. Fuck. You sure you haven’t done that before?” I raised a warning eyebrow because heknewI hadn’t, and he smirked. “I’m kidding. Thank you. You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to.”
He snuggled into me, tucking his head into mine, and then groaned. “Fuck. One of us has to get up to turn off the light.”
I laughed and crawled out of the bed, eating up every second I felt his eyes follow me across the room.
Chapter 17
Donotkill my boyfriend’s cousin. Donotkill my boyfriend’s cousin.It was like a mantra in my head today. Half the time, Nic and I were getting decent at ignoring each other’s presence, but the other half, it was all I could do not to go off in his face, holding it back so that I was screaming in my head. The feeling was mutual; I was sure.
We were trying to get along, for Jet, but we rubbed each other completely the wrong way. All I had to do was step into a room, and he got tense, his undertone with me rude,justenough that I’d hear it but not enough for Jet to say anything. I probably wasn’t any better. He got under my skin, and I couldn’t even pinpoint why, other than he just pissed me off. He was a decent guy…with everyone else. It was something about each other that we couldn’t stand.
Today, however, was different. Jet and I had snuck away, everyone else in the house gone, and right in the middle of riding Jet’s brains out into an amazing climax, Nic had barged into the room. I’d screamed and grabbed for the covers, but there was no getting away from thefact that the asshole had seen every inch of my naked body. While I was just seconds away from having an orgasm on top of it.He couldn’t have waited an extra twenty seconds so I could finish. The dick.
Everything after that had been yelling and screaming, mostly between Jet and Nic, as I scrambled to put my clothes on under the covers. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
I was mortified.
I ran out the door and headed straight for my truck. I had to get Izzy, anyway.
I should’ve just gone straight to the studio to pick her up.She’d been working her ass off lately, almost every spare minute of her time spent with Leo or locked in her studio at home, ever since she’d gotten the go ahead from the doctor about a month ago. Right after Tucker signed his NLI. It had seemed like a turning point at the time, and I’d been freaking ecstatic when she told me about her progress with him that night. Anything that told me she might be getting better.
But now that May had hit and graduation and her audition were just a few weeks away, Izzy was stressed more than ever.
Jet: Are you okay? Nic was an ass this time. I let him have it.
I read his text when I parked at the studio in Summer Ridge, taking a moment to reply before going in for Izzy.
Me: Would’ve been great if you’d believed me all the other times he was an ass.
I tapped the case on my phone, irritated and hurt as I watched the three little dots appear on my screen.
Jet: I DID believe you. I don’t know what to do here, Annie. I’m stuck in the middle.
I rolled my eyes.Choose your girlfriend, dumbass.
Me: I just want to know you have my back. That you’re choosing ME.