“No. I temporarily moved back in with my dad, and I have my computer, so I can get things done for work easily, and there’s Zoom if they need to reach me. I’ve done a few meetings while you’ve been at school already. My friend Mark reaches out sometimes, too. We did some software design together while in Uni, even went into business together for a while. We sold a major project back in January, but I stepped back from it after that. He just reaches out for feedback sometimes now.”
“Wait. So, you started a software business with this guy Mark, but it’s not your current job?”
Nic smirked, something in his expression a cross between bitter and sad. “No. After I stepped back from the business with Mark, I started in the IT department at my Dad’s architecture firm. It was remote. The timing worked out, and it gave me the space I needed.”
From what?I pulled in a long breath before letting it go. There was definitely more to that statement, but I didn’t want to push. Nic was so closed off. Getting him to open up was about timing.
“Sounds like we have something in common then, working for our dads.”
“Seems so.” Nic smiled absently. “I think the trip to Greece was good for my dad, though. It had to be his first time off in years. Since my mum died, I’d bet.”
“I’m sorry we missed her funeral.”
He shrugged. “We missed a lot of each other’s lives. But we’re trying to fix that, right?” He clapped me on the back, and I had to catch myself from staring at him like he had two heads.
“Hey, Jet! You came!” My head popped up at the familiar voice to see a girl walking over in skin-tight jeans with slits down the thighs and knees and a tight-as-hell, bright red tube top. It took me a moment, but when she got closer, my jaw gaped.
“Ruby, hey.”
She beamed, a can of beer in her hand as she came up to join us. “You didn’t recognize me, huh?”
“Honestly, not at first.”
“Yeah.” She glanced down at herself. “I like to dress it up for the races. Fit the vibe here, you know? Who’s this?”
“Nic.” He tilted his head up in a nod. “I’m Jet’s cousin.”
“I figured y’all had to be related somehow. Jeez.” She eyed him up and down. “Crazy how much y’all look alike.”
“Our dad’s look alike, too,” I explained. “Are you here by yourself?” I looked past her, trying to see where she’d come from.
“Ah, no, my girls are back over there.” She pointed to a Pontiac GTO about halfway down the side stretch, and a couple of girls and a guy waved from where they were seated in chairs around it.
“Damn.” My brow raised. “Nice car. Sureyoudon’t want to race?”
“Oh, God, no.” She laughed. “It’s my cousin Gio’s car. He’s dating my friend Shelby, and that’s her sister. He’d kill me if I ever tried to drive his baby.” She rolled her eyes. “Mine’s still in major restoration mode. But you’ve done an awesome job with yours. God, I love your car.”She came to lean against the tailgate beside me, her eyes raking over my Mustang. “You ever let Annie drive it?”
“Sometimes. I’m not a dick about it like some people. Shit, that sounded bad.” I winced, and Ruby laughed, tossing her head back so her ponytail draped onto the bed of the truck.
“No, don’t worry about it. Gioisa dick about his car. Like I’d do anything to hurt that fine piece of metal.” She grinned over at me, and I smirked. “So, where’s Annie?”
“At the loo with her sister. She’ll be back any minute,” Nic’s tone cut in, dry and deep with an edge of warning. I gave him a curious look, and he gave me one back that I couldn’t quite read. Which drove me crazy with him. He wasunreadable most of the time. Something I was usually good at doing with people.
“Awesome.” Ruby ignored Nic’s tone and placed her beer between her legs, reaching up to tighten her ponytail as she looked at me. “I haven’t met her sister yet. Izzy, right? Is Tucker here, too?”
“Yep. You’ll get to see the crew tonight.”
“Thanos, pull up!” Monty called out, and I hopped off the tailgate.
“That’s my cue.”
“Oh, my God. We almost missed it.” Annie ran from around the truck and threw herself into my arms. “Good luck.” She pressed a kiss to my neck, and her hand drifted over my dick, giving it a firm squeeze before she pulled away.
I was instantly hard, and she smirked as I narrowed my eyes in a playful gaze.
“Get ‘em, babe.” She smacked my ass.
“Watch it, sweetheart.” I lunged to scoop her up and smacked her ass with a firm spank, gripping it firmly in my palm before letting go. She gasped, fire lighting in her eyes, and I knew what was waiting for me if I won. I set her down and brushed a kiss across her lips before running to my car.