Page 51 of Survival

Just as my mind began to wind itself up in the story, Annie came barging in. Her eyes widened for just a moment before she corrected her expression and smiled. “Hey, I wasn’t expecting to see you in here.”

Some part of my brain caught the message behind that, and guilt flickered through me. I just didn’t know how to balance my life anymore. Tucker was my air, my rock, but this was mysister. I laid my Kindle down on the bed. “I’m sorry. I should try to stay in here more often.”

Annie’s shoulders dropped, and she went to sit on the edge of her bed to face me. “Youhavetried. We both know how that turns out. I miss you and sharing this room with you, but at night…youneedTucker. It’s hard, but I get it, sis.”

Guilt still ate at my middle. “Any idea how Tucker is?” I hedged the question, afraid of the answer after everything that happened this afternoon.

“He’s…dealing. We went out and smacked some baseballs around to clear our heads. I think he’s doing okay now. We just got back.”

“And what? Y’all didn’t believe my text, and he sent you to check on me?”

Annie rolled her eyes. “I swear. Between the two of y’all today… I didn’t even realize you were home, but Idowant to say that I’m sorry about earlier.”


“Yeah. Tucker’s sorry he upset you, too. So is Jet.”

I nodded. “But y’all aren’t sorry that y’all give me a hard time in the first place.”

“We’re just trying to help.”

“Well, y’all need to stop. It’s none of your—”

“None of my business. I know.” Annie threw her hands in the air. “Fine. Whatever. I just wanted to apologize and tell you that you really do need to check in on Tucker.”

I frowned at that and sat up. “Is he really that bad?”

Annie shook her head. “We didn’t really talk. I just know he needs you, sis.”

I swallowed, tears trying to gather in my eyes. “Okay.”

“Areweokay?” Annie bit her lip as she looked at me, and I quickly scooted up to sit by the pillow, patting the bed beside me. Doing my best to hide my still trembling hands. I needed my twin. Annie beamed and rushed over. “Thank God. Because I’ve got so much to tell you.”

Chapter 15


I was riding the biggest high. Sure, I was stuck in class right now, but it was Friday, and the Ridgeside U coach had just been to my house the night before. I was now just waiting on my National Letter of Intent, and I’d be signed with a full ride to the school I’d been hoping to get into for months, ever since Jet signed his.

Which was a relief. I’d been holding off on so many of my other offers for so long that some of them weren’t even on the table anymore. My parents had been worried, and I’d be the first to admit that I was starting to sweat, too. But holding out paid off. As soon as I signed that baby, I was securing that the four of us were all going to the same university. Well, except for maybe Izzy. She’d applied and gotten in, just in case, but I knew she was still aiming for Baste Academy.

At least, it’s only a forty-minute drive between schools if she gets in.

It was the nights I didn’t know how we would manage.

I tapped my pencil against my desk, anxious. Dying to see her. Hoping she was okay. She’d slipped out of ourbed sometime early this morning, and I’d found her fully immersed with dancing in her studio when I got up. I’d watched her for a while before she even noticed I was there, and then we’d hurried to get dressed and make it to school on time. She swore she was okay, but she was quiet.

She was quiet too often now.

As soon as the bell rang, I was off, eager to see my friends and my girl for lunch, but I stopped by my locker to dump my stuff first. I pulled my phone from my back pocket when I felt a buzz and nearly did a double-take when I saw the email waiting for me. My stomach leapt to my throat, and I slammed my locker shut, running down the hall, excitement literally buzzing through me.

I found Annie and Jet already at our table under the oak and dropped my bag to the bench, a massive grin splitting my face. They looked up, and while Annie looked at me like I was nuts, Jet immediately knew.

“You got it.”

“Just got the fucking email,” I declared proudly.

“You did?” Annie’s face lit up, and she gestured for me to sit. “Then sign it. Like now. Let’s get it in!” She practically bounced in her seat.