I sat back on my bed and leaned against the headboard, holding my arm out for Annie, and she crawled up next to me, chewing on her bottom lip. I didn’t blame her for worrying. What had gone down today had been rough.
Izzy had snapped at all of us when we’d tried to talk her out of going into work, which was usual, but it was Tucker’s reaction that had thrown everything into perspective. He was nowhere close to doing as okay as any of us had thought. I’d gone after him, but not even several rounds of basketball drills in his driveway had done any good. He wasn’t opening up.
I tagged in Nic next when he offered, honestly needing the reprieve.
My fingers absently stroked the soft, tan arm that was draped across my waist, the smell of apples filling my senses as I rested my head against Annie’s. Part of me wanted to react to having her so close in my bed, but there was too much else to think about. Too much to hold in balance.
“When did life start to suck so much?” Annie muttered against my shoulder.
“About the time we lost Zoey. Or even when your dad passed away.”
Annie sat up, looking at me in shock. “Did you seriously just say that?”
“What am Isupposedto say, sweetheart? It’s the truth. Life’s been an uphill battle since your dad got sick, and we all just tumbled into the deep end after Zoey.”
Her face crumpled, and she closed her eyes to take a deep breath. I instantly felt like an ass, pulling her back to me, but she pushed away.
“No. You’re right. It’s just that thingsweregetting better, but then Zane caused that damn accident, and we can’t even do anything about it. And then Mom…” She paused, her throat tight by the way she swallowed.
I took her hand, caressing her palm with my thumb. “Have you thought about going to visit her?”
Her eyes popped open in a glare. “Did she think about how she’d beleavingus when she overdosed?” Tears gathered at the edges of her eyes, and God, I was a jerk for ever thinking my problems compared to hers. She took a deep breath, her voice shaky. “I know I should, babe. I know I should go see her, but I just can’t.”
“Okay, sweetheart. It’s okay.” I pulled her into my chest, and this time, she wrapped her arms around me, letting her tears fall onto my shirt. At some point, she fell asleep, and I pulled out my phone as a text came through, running my hand along her back while she slept.
Ruby: Hey, what’s up?
Me: Hanging out with Annie. You?
Ruby: About to head to work. Doing the waitress gig tonight. You should come by.
Me: It’s been kind of a rough day. Maybe another time.
Ruby: No problem. You going to be at the races this weekend? Haven’t seen you on the track in a few weeks.
I dropped my head back against the headboard. There just hadn’t been time, but fuck, it sounded exactly like what I needed.
Me: I’ll be there. Gotta get my fix.
Ruby: Yes! Love it! Can’t wait.
I dropped my phone to the bed then and turned on the TV for a distraction until Annie woke up and I could getout to the garage with my car, my hands itching to get under the hood.
I wasn’t sure what woke me, but I was surprised when I reached out to find that Jet wasn’t there. My eyes opened, and I shot up in bed.
“What the hell?”
Nic smirked, shutting the dresser drawer. “Relax, I was just grabbing a change of clothes.”
“Shirtless.” I felt the need to point out.
“I was playing ball with Tucker. It’s hot out.” He shrugged, moving to the closet, and I scrambled from the bed to go find Jet, walking straight into his chest as he came around the doorway from the bathroom.
“You’re up.” He smiled, and I glared.
“Yeah, just in time to find your half-naked cousin walking around while I was asleep.”