Page 47 of Survival

“UT? UT?! Really?!” Emma clapped her hands together.

“Yep. We’re going to school together, baby!”

Emma shrieked, making the rest of us wince as she leaped into Mateo’s arms, kissing him long and hard, the rest of us just standing there grinning at our friends.


We all froze. None of us had to turn around to know whose voice that was.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” her dad yelled. “Let go of my daughter!”

Mateo slowly lowered Emma to the floor, and her dad yanked her back by her arm. The guys flinched, holding back at the way he’d handled her.

“I knew it. I knew you were still seeing this boy, but you kept telling me no. Youassuredme over and over again that you weren’t. Well, you’re busted, young lady!”

“Dad, please.” She whimpered.

“No! I’ve had enough of your lies! I can’t trust you at all! Go get in the car!”


“In the damn car, Emma!” he bellowed.

“Emma, wait.” Mateo reached out for her, and she looked back just long enough for everyone to see her tears before she ran outside.

“And YOU!” Mr. Kooper spat as he turned back around. “You don’t ever get to touch her like that again! You hear me?!”

“Yes, sir.” Mateo jerked his head.

“No wetback gets to be with my daughter that way. No boy ofanycolor gets to be with her that way. I tolerateyoubecause you’re just a friend.” His gaze shot to Jet. “Butyou…” He turned to Annie. “You should be ashamed. You’re just taintingour race.”

He stormed out of the gym doors then, and Mateo ran off out the other side. Other than the sound of the metal latch clicking back into place, the gym remained quiet, all of us in shock.

Chapter 14


“Are you okay, Izzy?” Tammy’s brow furrowed in concern when I got to work the next week.

“I’m fine.” I placed my purse behind the counter and pulled up the screen on the computer to clock in. I was lying through my teeth, but I didnotwant Tammy or Gemma to figure out how messed up I was right now. The last thing I wanted was to go home.

Not after all the crap Annie and Tucker just gave me. And Nic just stood there giving me that stupid know-it-all look. And Jet…Well, he’s the worst, telling me I’m hurting Tucker more than myself? He didn’t storm out because he was hurting. He just didn’t like it when I told him no. I wasn’t quitting.

“Izzy? Are you sure, because—”

“No, I’m fine, Tammy. I promise. Just a rough day, but I’ll be fine with the babies.”

The older, round woman gave me a concerned, skeptical look. “Alright then, hon. I’m going to the kitchen. It’s almost time for snacks.”

I forced a smile. Working in the toddler room with Tammy was great, but I loved the days I worked in the infant room the most, like today. That was when the ache in my chest eased the most, until I left, but it was worth it.

I finished clocking in, relieved when Tammy headed to the back and I didn’t have to work so hard to hide. Once, even Jenna and Helen had joined my friends, ganging up on me about working here before I left for my shift, and I’d shown up such a mess that I’d had to spend nearly ten minutes convincing the sweet woman I’d be okay, pleading with her not to call Gemma, Leo’s sister and our boss. All I needed was for word to get back to Leo that I was cracking.

It was easiest to hide it with him, when I could lose myself in dance.

I headed off to the room that would make my world okay for a few hours, feeling the throb in my chest relax within seconds at the sight of the precious little ones in their bouncers and play mats. One of them squealed when she saw me, holding out her arms, and I quickly scooped her up. I was far from cracking while I was here. It was mostly when people pressed me. But no one seemed to understand, and I didn’t know how to make them.