Page 46 of Survival

“You okay, whiskey?”

“I’m fine.” The look quickly disappeared, fleeting, but I’d seen it.

I took hold of his hand and held it gently between both of mine as I brought it to my lips, kissing the sore and swollen knuckles I knew had to bother him more than he’d ever admit. “I was so worried when you fell.”

“I’m fine,” he repeated. “You don’t need to worry.” He pulled me close once again, giving me a chance to breathe him in, the tension relaxing from my body before Chuck, Stefano, and Jet broke in, asking for details about his conversation with the Ridgeside U coach.

I slipped away and went to stand by Nic, enjoying his silent company, the two of us in earshot as Mrs. Kooper said goodbye to Emma.

“I’ve called and told your dad that you’ll be out with Annie and Izzy to celebrate Tucker tonight. Tell Mateo he played well for me when he comes out, alright?”

Emma beamed. “Thanks, Mom. I will.”

“Have fun,” her mom said before heading out the doors, and the rest of our parents and siblings followed right after.

Nic turned to me as our friends started discussing how to go out and celebrate. “So, Emma’s mom’s okay with Mateo?”

“Sounds like it. That’s at least something good for them.”

“Mmmm. I suppose so.”

“What does that mean?”

He shrugged. “I just find it strange that they’re a couple in the first place. They don’t seem like a very good match. But what do I know?”

I stared at him, watching his look harden with his eyes once again. “Okay, explain.”

“Forget it, Izzy.”

“I just want to understand. Talking about it might help.”

“You mean like you talk about your problems?”

My eyes widened. “I talked to you, remember?”

“But it obviously didn’t help, did it?” He stared me down before I could argue, and my chest clenched, guilt swirling in my middle, realizing he’d seen the pain I’d tried to hide only minutes ago.

Is there anything he doesn’t pick up on?

When I didn’t say anything, he added, “You need to talk, but not to me. I can’t say anymore to help you.”

“What about you?” It was bullshit for him to insist I talk if he wasn’t going to.

He gave me the gravest look I’d seen cross his face yet. “My pain’s different. Some things are better left alone.”

Before I could even begin to comment onthat,he walked off to join the rest of the guys. My whole body fumed, heat striking my cheeks to travel down my neck and chest. He didn’t have to talk, fine. He could bottle it all up, but he didn’t have any right to tell me to talk if he wasn’t going to.

Everyone had been affected enough without me bringing up my daughter’s death again, and I would not put Tucker through that anymore. He was doing so much better than I was, and I refused to bring him down with me.

I startled with Emma’s shriek and spun to find Mateo lifting Emma up from behind, everyone laughing as she turned bright red.

“Hey, baby,” Mateo grinned as he set her back down, and she reached up to smack his arm. “Don’tdothat. And what took you so long?”

He rubbed his arm where it stung red. “Sorry. It was hard to get my parents to let me go after I told them the news.”

“That’s no excuse,” she fumed. “Tucker’s been out here a while, and— Wait, what news?”

“Another recruiter was at the game.” He grinned proudly. “UT wants to make me an offer!”