Pressing my hand to the ice, I turned back to the game, relieved to see the turnaround in my friend. Mateo was playing to his full potential now, and he might really have a shot at a scholarship if he kept it up. My eyes combed the bleachers to find the university coaches next. I found one watching Mateo out on the court but another was watching me. My whole body went on alert, hoping that sitting out right now wasn’t hurting my chances. I wasn’tthathurt. I just needed to regroup.
I put my focus back on the game, needing them to know I was serious, and watched Mateo make an easy basket after someone passed him the ball, but when the quarter came to a close, I couldn’t help but wince whenI glanced at the scoreboard. Somehow, we’d gotten behind, the other team now ahead by three baskets.
Itching to help out my team, I started to fidget, my legs bouncing as my heels drummed against the floor. Coach must’ve read my mind.
“Pierce, get back in there!”
Fuck yes.He didn’t have to tell me twice. I ran back out onto the court where I belonged, relieved to be off the bench, and dove back into the game, ignoring my swollen hand. I stepped back a little when I could, letting Mateo shine and staying near for the assist instead, and when the end of the game approached, we were only three points behind. I had the ball, but there was no way I was making the shot we needed to tie the game, not with my hand all screwed up.
Everyone was blocked, and just when I thought I’d have to try for the shot anyway, Mateo broke free of his guard. I passed him the ball, and he jumped, flicking his wrist to send the ball flying overhead into the perfect, nothing-but-net shot that sent the game into overtime.
Chapter 13
“I can’t believe we lost.” Emma sighed after the game. We were gathered around the side of the gym with our parents, waiting for the guys to come out.
“It was still an amazing game, though. Mateo really pulled it out in the second half,” I offered, remembering how she’d been worried.
She grinned. “You’re right. He’s going to be in such a good mood.”
“I just hope Tucker’s in a good mood. I can’t believe what that asshole did.” Annie clenched her hands into fists at her sides.
Jenna shot her an admonishing look as Chuck said, “I’m sure he’s fine. The coach wouldn’t have put him back in if he wasn’t.”
“No. I knowthat. I’m just worried about how the Ridgeside Coach is going to look at it.”
Jet frowned at her comment before looking away to talk to Nic, and Annie’s brow creased. I didn’t blame her, confused at the reaction myself. She ducked her head to talk to Emma, and I took a few steps off to the side, needinga moment to breathe. Sometimes, just the presence of others was overwhelming, and right now, all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed with Tucker.
“Hey, Izzy?”
I blinked, surprised to see Harper beside me. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Just, if my parents ask, let them know that I’m going to be over there with some friends.”
I looked where she was pointing to a group of girls and a couple of boys, most of them familiar faces I’d seen her with before. “Sure. Just make sure you stay where we can see you.”
Harper rolled her eyes. “I would’ve just talked to my mom if I wanted you to act like one,” she snapped before walking off.
I swallowed hard as the hollow ache in my chest throbbed in response. Not at the attitude, but acting like amom? I didn’t see how the ache was ever going to go away. It hadn’t gotten any better in months, just festering there inside me, waiting for moments to come out and rob me of breath.
“Ah, look. There’s Tucker,” I heard Nic say from behind me, and I quickly tucked away the pain before he could see.
When I looked up, he was coming through the doors, that sexy grin of his spread across his entire face. I took another moment to bury the ache so I could smile back. This washismoment.
“You got it?” Annie asked, running up as everyone gathered, and Tucker’s smile somehow grew wider.
“The coach wants to make an offer. He’s going to come by to talk to all of us sometime next week,” he said to hisparents, and his dad clapped him on the back, a proud smile in place as the moms rushed up to give him a hug, pushing Chuck out of the way.
Chelsea and Vicky squealed in excitement, and Colton and Archer broke out into a happy dance, making the girls giggle.
Tucker shared a fist pound with Jet once he escaped their moms, and Annie and Emma attacked him with hugs.
He was eating it up, loving the attention, but the whole time he was watching me, and I was afraid at that moment that I’d let the mask slip because the pure happiness radiating from Tucker’s gaze shifted into compassion.
As soon as he was free, he came over and wrapped his arms around me. “Hey, princess.” He pulled back to caress my cheek with his thumb.
“I’m so proud of you.” I smiled up at him, watching questions flicker in his eyes. He was holding back, and I prayed it wasn’t for the same reasons I was. My pain didn’t need to be his, but his was mine.