He just stared for several moments before he spoke. “Annie Donovan, you are the most beautiful, sexy, compassionate woman I know, and I’m so fucking grateful to call you mine.”
My heart swelled to my throat. How could I ever tell him how much I loved him?
But I didn’t have to. He knew. Just like I knew how much he loved me.
“Thank you for the best anniversary ever.”
“You’re welcome.” I laughed, laying back down. Jet had just laid beside me when I shot back up. “Holy crap. I forgot. I brought food if you’re hungry.” I hopped up to gograb the picnic basket from the car, ducking inside, and I smirked at the look on Jet’s face when I emerged.
“Yeah, I’m hungry right now, but not for what’s in that basket. Feel like putting on my present again?”
I gasped. “Oh, my God, your present. Happy anniversary.” I held my arm out to his Mustang. He gave me a funny look, and I laughed. “Your car was never messed up. Izzy lied, and your dad was in on it. I paid for some new rims and spark plugs and stuff. Don’t ask. David gave me a list, and your dad ordered it all. But it should help your car go faster. What do you think?”
I yelped as Jet lunged, dragging me back down to the blanket. “You are the best girlfriendever,” he stressed, setting the picnic basket to the side as he crawled over me.
“Oh, yeah?” I grinned, my body already thrumming in anticipation for him again. He nodded, his eyes darkening as he spread my legs with his knee.
“Buckle up for another wild ride, sweetheart. And I don’t mean my car.”
Chapter 12
Cheering filled the gym with the next night’s game, and I threw my hands in the air, standing up to scream and shake my pompoms as Tucker made another basket. His game was completely on point tonight. I just hoped his hand held up throughout the game since his knuckles were still ugly and bruised from his fight with Zane.
I caught Annie’s gaze in the neighboring section, but instead of the enthusiasm I expected to see, she glanced at Nic who was sitting behind her with Jet and rolled her eyes. I sighed, wishing I knew why they butted heads so much.
“Sanchez!” I cringed as Coach Larson’s booming yell filled the gym.
“Ugh…” Emma groaned from where the cheerleaders stood at the sidelines, just a few feet away from my seat in the stands. “He’s making himself look like an idiot out there.”
“It’s Mateo.” Megan shrugged. “What do you expect?”
“I just wish I knew why hedoesthat,” Emma complained as Coach pulled Mateo from the game, and we watchedas he scowled and threw himself onto the bench on the sidelines.
“Because he wants to show up Tucker, but fat chance of that,” Megan said, missing the look that crossed our friend’s face as she bent for her water.
I gave Emma a reassuring look, and she gave me a small smile back. Mateo wasn’t bad, he was really good, actually. He just turned into a ball hog at times trying to show off.
“I just want this game to go well for him since recruiters are here,” Emma murmured quietly to me, and my smile turned sympathetic. Igotthat.
We turned back to the game then, and I watched with undivided attention, my pulse racing each time Tucker scored. He’d even made a couple of three-pointer shots, and we were still in the first half. He was in the zone, his passion flaring through with determination as he played. You couldfeelhow much he loved it just watching him. The fact that his dream was on the line last semester because of me and our daughter struck me then, but even if we hadn’t lost Zoey, I would have refused to let him give this up. Helivedfor this, and as much as I wasnota sports person, I loved watching him play. He came alive on that court. Like I did with dance.
I watched him pivot and dodge another player before making the perfect jump shot, and the crowd cheered, the cheerleaders going into their next chant. In the commotion, I caught Zane’s gaze from the other side of the gym, and he winked and sent me that sexy, charming smile that now only made me sick. Before I could look away, I watched him do one of those guy handshakes with one of the players on the other team.
I frowned. Because that was weird even for Zane. Unless it was someone he knew? I eyed him, watching him slip back around to our side just as the buzzer sounded, signaling the start of halftime.
The vibe in the locker room was nuts. The whole team was pumped, we were so far ahead. Well, everyone except for Mateo. I downed some water and finally shot him a glare.
“Enough. If you can’t take advice or listen to Coach, then it’s your fault you got pulled from the game.”
Mateo glared and scowled, ducking his head in his locker to mumble under his breath.
Shaking my head, I finished off my water and took a seat on the bench when Mateo sat. “Bro, seriously. You need to chill out. You know Coach isn’t going to put you back in if you don’t get your attitude in check.”
“Shut up, Pierce. You just don’t get it. How are the scouts supposed to notice me whenyou’reout there? This could be mylastshot. If we don’t win this game, the season’s done. Theyhaveto see that I can be just as good as you, or I can kiss my chance at a scholarship goodbye.”