But instead of hearing the latch release, I heard tires spin in the loose rocks at the edge of the road, and the metal left my hand.
What the? Why is she reversing?
She spun the truck sideways and stuck her head out the window. “Sorry, Jet. Happy Anniversary!” She grinned before throwing the old Ford into drive and taking off. “Follow the signs!”
The hell?I stood there with my mouth hanging open, my hand still up like it was resting on the hood that hadjustbeen there.What the actual fuck is going on?
I glanced around once the shock wore off, and my brow raised to find an arrow tied to a nearby cattle guard. Guessing it was one of the signs I was supposed to follow, I crossed the metal bars and headed down the gravel road, finding more and more signs leading me down the path as I went.
Keep going.
Getting closer.
Almost there.
Prep yourself now.
Hope you came ready…
I laughed at the last one, wondering what my girlfriend had planned as I rounded the last curve. Whatever it was, it had to be good.
I bit my lip, my stomach tied up with nerves as I waited, and I looked down to adjust the ribbon tied at my bust,having already done it a few times, but I needed something to do with my hands.
Where is he?I began to stress. I wanted Jet toseeme. I hadn’t put in all this work for nothing, and it was getting late, the colorful, orangey hues of sunset already starting in the sky.
I felt completely out of my element, but something told me Jet would like this. If the way he liked to take charge in bed was any indication. I shuddered, goose pimples erupting over my skin just imagining. I couldn’t wait to see what he’d do with this…
I looked out the windshield, and my stomach jumped to my throat as I threw open the Mustang’s door.Here goes nothing.
A warm breeze brushed over my skin as I stepped out, and Jet slowed to a stop when he saw me. I paused, somehow both terrified and excited for his reaction, and ran my hands along the tiny leather shorts at my hips, sliding my fingers up along my ribs to run them along the matching leather top. I brushed my hands back through my hair, the strands flowing long and loose, and leaned back against the hood of his Mustang, making sure the thigh high leather boots I’d chosen were well on display as I crossed my legs.
Jet just stared. Frozen.
I smiled and winked and prayed to God that he couldn’t see past my confident front to how utterly ridiculous I felt. But this was for him.
It was all the invitation he needed.
He rushed forward, closing the gap between us in seconds to meet my lips with a deep and eager kiss, his hands going to rest against the hood on either side of my hipsas he leaned in. But like he’d suddenly decided it wasn’t enough, he reached behind me, placing one hand at my back to pull me against the heat of his chest while his other grabbed my ass, dragging my hips forward to meet his already straining cock.
I moaned, instantly ready, my core already aching. I pressed myself into him, breathing in the quiet scent of spices. That and the way he held me, so strong,eager, and sure, like he couldn’t wait to take charge, fuddled my head, making it hard to breathe. I had to come up for air.
I gasped as I broke from our kiss, laughing at myself, and Jet grinned but never took his hands from my body.
“You like it?” I asked.
“You have to ask?” He gripped my ass harder.
“Not really.” I laughed.
“Good because I’m not wasting one second of this fantasy.” His eyes raked over me, darkening as he took me in. “Can I see more?”
“Turn around,” he directed, his voice deeper as he gave my ass another squeeze.
I grinned, realizing what he meant, and stepped around him when he released his hold. Reaching deep within to cast away all traces of absurdity that lingered, I bent as if to touch my toes, giving him the full view he was dying to see.