Page 39 of Survival

The sliding door opened, and she stuck her head out. “The timer’s going off.”

I sighed and stood, heading back inside to the kitchen where Annie had a spread of sandwiches, grapes, and celery with peanut butter laid out.

“For your date with Jet tonight?” I asked, grabbing an oven mitt to pull the casserole out of the oven. I didn’t even question why Annie hadn’t done it. If it had been me that found Mom with the smashed oven glass around her… I held back a shudder.

“That’s the plan.” Annie rested her hands on her hips. “Do you know where that big picnic basket is?”

“The laundry room, I think. Up on the top shelf.”

Annie darted from the room and was back in less than a minute, the basket in hand. “Thanks.” She smiled, adding the snacks she’d prepped into it. “Have you figured out how to get Jet out of the house yet?”

“Yes, sis. I know what I’m going to do. You just worry about getting ready.”

“Good, and I know it’s a big thing for you, butplease, don’t be late today.”

“I’ve got it covered. Alarm.” I tapped the back pocket of my skirt that had my phone before grabbing a spoonto start serving the casserole, knowing the kids must be hungry.

Annie frowned, looking concerned. “Maybe you should set two…”

I looked over and held up the giant spoon, shooting my twin a look.

“What? I’m serious. You were late the last time, and I don’t want you late today.”

Sucking in a deep breath for patience, I glanced down as my Fitbit buzzed.

Tucker: I’m sorry I upset you, but I’m not sorry I fought. I will ALWAYS defend you.

Oh, good Lord.Did he seriously thinkthatwas the message that was going to fix things? Fighting was fighting, and it had caused enough damage.

“What is it?” Annie asked, noticing my reaction.

“Tucker.” I scowled.

“I’m guessing he’s not off the hook yet. Are you going to wait fory’all’sanniversary to forgive him?”

I rolled my eyes.

“What? It was a legit question. Kind of. It wasn’t fun waking up still pissed at Jet this morning.”

“Well, I’m glad y’all made up.”

“Me, too.” Annie smiled to herself just as the doorbell rang. “I’ve got it.” She darted out of the room, and I gathered the plates, taking them to the table before calling the kids inside. I was just reaching for the sliding door when I heard Annie call out, “Hey, Izzy!”


“Come see!”

I groaned, already knowing what it was. Did Annie really have to show off how amazing Jet was when I was still mad at Tucker?

“They’re beautiful, sis,” I said when I stepped around the corner, spotting the tall vase with five large, bright sunflowers, one for every year she’d been with Jet. Their tradition.

Annie beamed down at her flowers. “Thanks, but there’s something for you, too.” She motioned towards the door.

I frowned, heading over.

“Izzy Donovan?” the delivery man asked.
