Page 34 of Survival

Zane either didn’t get the hint or didn’t care.

“Well, awesome chat,” he said after polishing off his beer, but he paused before walking off. “I guess it’s fair to warn you. I’m not giving up. I won’t be just dreaming forever. Izzywillbe mine one day.”

“No, she won’t.” I didn’t know how the fuck I sounded so controlled.

Zane shook his head and grinned, the smile antagonistic yet masked with confident, friendly features, the disguise only working on those he hadn’t yet screwed over with the manipulative side of his charm.

“You know what, man? Go ahead and think that. It’ll only make it easier for me. But I look at it this way. Youand Annie hated me from the beginning. Neither of you thought I’d get as far with her as I did, but she wasn’t far off from letting me take her, man. I promise you that. And I might not have gotten any from her back then, but look at the fucking irony now.”

“Your point, Zane?” My fist clenched again at my side.

“My point is that the situation’s now reversed. You’re not getting any from her anymore. Haven’t been for a while, from what I’ve heard. Man, I can’t wait to be inside her. I bet she’s wild in the sack.”

Red flashed across my vision, and before I could even process, my leg swung out and clipped Zane behind the knees, dropping him to the ground. I gripped his hair, yanking his head back, and swung, my knuckles screaming in protest when they made contact with his face.

I smiled, sick and sadistic as satisfaction swam through me, and I pulled back to strike again, but Zane lunged for my legs, knocking me to the ground.

He got in one swift jab to my stomach, the breath whooshing out from my lungs, but that didn’t matter. I didn’t need to breathe, fury fueling every muscle in my body.

I shoved him back, pinning him to the ground with my knees as I crushed his body with my weight, and slammed my fist into his face again, striking two more times before several pairs of arms reached in, dragging us apart.

“Let me go,” I roared, struggling to break free, my arms pinned at my sides as someone gripped my torso.

“Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” Nic grunted in my ear.

“Yes, let him go,” Zane sneered, blood dripping from his nose. “I’ve been waiting for the chance to kick his ass.”

“Looks like he was doing that to you, jackass.” Mateo barked a laugh as he and Jet pulled Zane back. “But y’all need to break this shit up.”

“Unless y’allwantthe cops to show up when there’s a party full of underage drinkers around. I’m sure everyone here will love you for that.” Jet glared.

Zane smirked. “Let them come. It’d be worth it to show Pierce and everyone here he’s the loser I know he is.”

My jaw hardened, my eyes narrowing. “It’d be more than worth it,” I growled.

“Don’t be an idiot.” Jet shot me a look. “You want Izzy pissed at you for eternity? Cuz that’s what he’s trying to do. And those scholarships if we get caught out here? Kiss them goodbye. That Ridgeside U coach won’t even bother to show up.”

I glared at the controlled blue eyes that were steadily driving the madness from my mind, forcing me to recognize the reality of the situation. Fuck Jet for always keeping his cool.

“Fine,” I grated.

“Oh, come on, Tucker. You know you’re dying to take another swing at me,” Zane taunted.

“Get him the fuck out of here already,” Corey barked.

“On it.” Jet gave Zane a shove, steering him out of the crowd to where the sleek, black Mustang was parked in the packed sand.

“Guess you didn’t get enough of this the last time, huh, asshole?” Mateo smirked, keeping his grip on Zane’s shoulder. It wasn’t until they were further out that Nic released his hold, and I gripped the side of the nearest truck to keep from running after them, everything in me seething.

“What the hell is your problem?!”

Damn it. Not now, Annie.My teeth ground together, biting back a retort, but when I glanced over my shoulder, I realized that somehowIwasn’t the target of her anger.

“What do you mean what the hell is my problem?” Nic glared, stepping back as Annie raged towards him.

“Don’t fucking act like you don’t know. Why didn’t you stop him?!” she yelled, throwing an arm out to point at me.

“I did!” Nic yelled back, standing his ground. “I pulled him off! Or are you blind as well as bitchy?!”