“Yes.” Her tone was even harsher than before, just enough for me not to believe her.
“Whatever, Jet. Whetheryoulike it or not, I’ve got to go,” she snapped, grabbing her things and storming out the door.
I shoved my homework back into my bag then, done with the fucking subject, but then decided against it. I had my scholarship to think about, and my grades had to stay up. I’d only managed to fight my way throughoneof the questions when there was a knock at the door.
“Nic, can you get that?”
There was another knock, and I looked over, surprised to see he wasn’t there. Rushing over, I pulled open the door. “Izzy?” She was dressed in her pink scrubs and barely used sneakers, her hands behind her back to play with her hair.
“Hey, Jet. I hate to ask. I know I was kind of rude before, but I really need to go, and Annie’s still not back from her meeting yet, so I don’t have the truck…”
“You want to borrow my car.” I surmised.
“Please? I’ll be careful. I promise.”
“You better be.” I smiled with a look that was both joking and serious, holding a true warning for her if she let anything happen to my car as I passed her my keys.
She held them to her chest. “Thank you,” she stressed.
“I really wish you wouldn’t go in.” I tried one more time, catching her gaze before she turned away.
A touch of anger flashed through her eyes, and she glared. “Shut up, Jet. It’s none of your business. I’m fine,” she spat before jogging down the walk to my Mustang.
“No, you’re not,” I muttered, shutting the door.
“What’s that about?” Nic asked, coming back in to take his seat on the couch.
“Nothing. Izzy just needed to use my car to get to work.”
Nic rolled his eyes. “No, I mean why is she upset, and why don’t you want her to go to work?”
Ugh. I should’ve known he might overhear.I paused to think of a good way to answer. “Izzy hates it when people interfere when shethinksshe’s right.”
“And it’s not right for her to want to go to work?”
“It’s not good for her to work where shedoes,” I corrected.
“Why? I’ve seen her with her brother and the other kids. She seems good with children.”
“She is.”
Nic’s brow furrowed. “I don’t understand.”
I sighed and went to stretch out at the other end of the couch, wishing I’d just dropped Izzy off so I could head down to the beach to surf. “It’s just not my place to tell you, man.” I grabbed the remote, flipping through channels, while Nic studied me for a minute, eventually seeming to let it go.
How dare he.Annie and Tucker I was used to, even Jenna and Helen at times, advocating in place of Mom since she wasn’t here, I was sure, but nowJetwas giving me a hard time?Jet, the guy who was usually so laid back, my friend who was usually so good about reading a situation and letting me do things my way.
And to top it off, I reallywasrunning late. So, of course, my sister was going to be annoyed when I finally got there. I fought back the urge to cry, gripping my hands tighter along the wheel as I hurried across town. It was like I was losing my last ally. The one person who hadn’t been giving me shit for my choices. Didno oneunderstand?
Freaking Jet. I was just trying to help out your girlfriend!
I swiped away a tear, forcing the rest back before Annie could see. Because that was just going to open awhole new can of worms. I couldn’t ever let them see. They needed me to be okay, and this was the closest way I knew how. To shove it all back. Because if I let it out… Well, the last time I’d let it out, we’d nearly lost Mom.
I pulled off to the side of the road for a minute, my chest growing painfully tight. I hadn’t even seen her that night before the EMS arrived. It was Annie that had been the one to find her. I’d still been in Tucker’s truck, staring at a gorgeous diamond ring with my mouth gaping open when terror pulled at my chest. When Annie answered, I’d already started shaking, her fear and panic trailing over into me as she gasped for 911. Tucker took the phone when I was too frazzled, immediately calling them and then Jet, the two of us literally racing to get home while Jet ran over to find Annie crouched down next to Mom on the floor, surrounded by glass and blood.