“Oh, yeah.” He took my hand, leading me towards my house. “Think we can continue things in your room?” He gave me a hopeful look, and I just grinned and pushed him through the door.
Chapter 8
I lowered my scalpel to the small, lifeless animal in my biology class, just barely allowing the blade to touch, and then pulled my hand up again, breathing out a huff of frustration that sounded a lot like my sister’s.
“It’s a freaking kitten, Annie. How am I supposed to cut into akitten?” I stressed, pulling my eyebrows together in despair.
Annie stared back at me. “The same way you cut the frog last semester.”
“That was different. That was a frog.” I gestured to the tray in front of us. “Thisis a kitten. It could have been someone’s pet.”
Annie rolled her eyes. “They don’t just go raiding healthy litters of kittens, Izzy.”
“I know, but still.”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake. We’re going to run out of time. Do you want me to do it?”
“Please?” I quickly passed her the scalpel.
“Fine.” Annie took the blade to cut quickly along the underside of our assigned lab specimen. “You socould have done that,” she scolded when she was done, and I grinned.
“But you did it so well.”
Annie shook her head with a smirk as we got to work, diligently pinning and marking the parts of our dissection for the rest of the period. Once we got clearance from the teacher that ours was good, Annie went to set our assignment on the counter as I put our supplies away, and we met up at the sink to wash our hands.
“So, are you sure you remember what you’re supposed to do?” Annie asked, keeping her voice low. “It won’t work if you don’t play it off right.”
Holding back an eye roll, I finished rinsing my hands and grabbed a paper towel as Mr. Ybarra gave the ten-minute warning for the class to finish up. “I’ve got it under control, sis. The plan is flawless. Jet will be so surprised.”
“Okay. Okay. You’re right. I just don’t want anything to tip him off. Especially that Ruby chick.”
“Stef said he told her it was a surprise. It should be fine. And Nic’s in the dark still. Is that why you don’t want to let him in on it? Are you worried he’ll tell Jet?” I asked as we stepped aside to let others get to the sink.
“No,” Annie snapped. “It’s just not any of his business.”
“Okay. Sorry.” I held up my hands, and Annie huffed.
“I’m sorry. I just… This has nothing to do with him. I’m going to go get my stuff together.”
I frowned as she took off for her desk. It had been a few weeks now since Nic had come back with Jet’s family from Greece, and things between him and Annie had only gotten worse. I just wished I knew why. Nic was great with most everyone else. He’d even let me teach him afew country dances that first night at Breaker Hall. But when it came to him and Annie…
She’d told me about Jet’s promise to his grandma, so I knew she didn’twantto fight with Nic, but it was like she couldn’t turn it off with him. Not that he did with her, either. They were both at fault.
I’ll have to ask him about it soon.I made the promise to myself as I went to gather my things before the bell. For today, there were more important things to worry about.
I scrolled through my phone, my classmates passing by me under the large oak tree as I waited for Izzy after school. Annie had a student council meeting today, so it was just us while Tucker was at practice.
I looked up, finding her waiting with a faint smile, but it was hard not to notice that it didn’t reach her eyes. Like a shield had been dropped since she’d lost Zoey and then the night that Bridgette went too far. Everything she was really feeling was hidden in there behind an opaque surface, tucked away from the world. I missed my friend, and I honestly didn’t know if we’d everreallyget her back.
“You ready to head out?” I asked.
“Yeah. I’ve got about an hour, and then I’ve got to go. Feel like working on homework?” I made a face, and Izzy laughed. “I know, but at least we’d get some of it donetogether.”