Page 17 of Survival

Right now, he was busy twirling Emma, and I rolled my eyes as I watched another guy cut in to dance with Izzy. Poor Mateo had only gotten one song with her before the first spring breaker had cut in. Thankfully, Megan’s sister, Katy, scooped him up, but I was still frustrated for Izzy. She didnotlook thrilled, and I could already see another guy waiting in the wings for his chance to ask her next. I was annoyed just watching it.

Considering joining Tucker for a drink, I glanced at the bar.Oh, hell. You’vegotto be kidding me.My eyes flashed as I stomped over to save my friend.

“Nobody put out the pathetic bitch warning sign tonight.”

Lisa looked over at me with a hiss. “Takes one to know one.”

“Wow, put a lot of thought into that one, huh?” I smirked, every ounce of what I said condescending. “I don’t even want to know what you’re over here saying to Tucker, but I can tell you it’s two parts pathetic and one part delusional. So, why don’t you fuck off and let him have a decent night without your clingy ass trying to attach to him?”

“God, you’re such a bitch. And no, I’ll talk to whoever I want.”

I raised an eyebrow, leveling her with a warning look. My patience was done.

“Come with me,” I commanded, grabbing Tucker’s arm. “You, stay. I’ve had enough of you.” I glared at Lisa before dragging my friend away.

He breathed a sigh of relief and tossed his water in the trash as I pulled him along. “What are we doing?”

“Just come with me.”

“Annie, what’s going on?” he pressed, sounding nervous as I dragged him up front, but I ignored him, speaking to the DJ for a moment as Tucker shot me a look.

“Trust me.” I raised my brow, pulling him onto the stage with me and grabbing a mic as the song came to an early close. “Excuse me. Attention, please.” Several seconds passed in everyone’s confusion as they all paused to look up at the stage.

“I just have a couple of things to say, and then I’ll get out of the way. For all of you girls out there who are here on vacation, and for some of those here who arenot.” Isent a pointed look to Lisa. “I would like to point out that my friend here isnoton the market.”

Tucker groaned and pressed a hand to his face, running it back through his hair before dropping it back by his side, but he smirked, letting me know it was fine. He had his kicks, and I had mine.

I grinned and then looked back out at the crowd. “He’s actually pretty serious about dating my sister. Proposed and everything. Izzy, can you raise your hand for me?” Slowly, my twin’s hand rose from the middle of the dance floor. “Thanks. That’s her. Can’t miss her. The girl here who looks exactly like me but in a dress, okay? So hands off. The same goes for all y’all guys, too. Leave them alone so they can dance. There are plenty of other girls here that I’m sure wouldn’t mind a good time. But you might want to steer clear of catty strawberry blondes. I’ve heard they can be a little…clingy.”

There. That ought to take care of things. Oh, wait.

“One more thing. Anyone here to spy on Emma Kooper for her dad? Could you please be a decent human for once andleaveso the rest of us can enjoy our evening? That’s all. Thanks.” I handed the mic back to the DJ, tempted to smack my hands together like I was dusting them off.

“Holy crap, Annie. But thanks.” Tucker shook his head at me even as he grinned.

“You’re welcome. Now, go dance with my sister.”

“On it.” He hurried down the stage steps, and I took off after him to find Jet. I’d waited long enough. It was my turn.

Emma stepped back as soon as she spotted me, and I rushed into Jet’s arms, throwing mine around his neck.

“Hey, you.” He twirled me so that my toes lifted from the floor, and I laughed as he set me back down, cuddling into his chest.

“Wanna get outta here?”

Jet’s brow rose, asking if I was serious. “If you’re hinting at what I think you are, then as a rule, yes.”

We held each other’s gazes, our eyes flitting back and forth, checking, laughing, promising, desire mixing with mischief, and we took off at the same time, Jet taking my hand in his to pull me across the crowded dance floor. All I was picturing was everything I was going to do to him,withhim, the second we were in his car. But then my eyes landed on Zane.

Instantly, my hackles raised, but it was when I followed his gaze and how he’d zeroed in on my sister that my excitement fell flat.

“Damn it. Babe, look.” I tugged him back and pointed to where Izzy had slipped away to massage her feet against the wall with dozens of discarded shoes, Tucker nowhere in sight. And Zane was moving in, fast.

“Looks like someone didn’t get your message.” He gave my hand a quick squeeze and rushed off, sliding in front of her in time to block Zane from her view. “Hey, Izzy. No Tucker?”

“Oh, he just went to the bathroom.”

“Ah, then it’s the perfect time for me to ask for a turn.” He extended a hand to her, and she grinned, dropping her foot to take it.