“Are you?”
She swallowed, so many emotions swimming through the mossy depths of green, some of them things I knew she hoped I didn’t see. “I’m alive,” she eventually managed.
Again, are you?
“Come on. Humor me, then,” I said instead, taking her hand as I tossed her bag over my shoulder.
She sighed again. “Only because I love you. And dancing. But dancing first.” She treated me with a glimpse of a crooked grin.
I cracked a grin back. “Of course.”
Chapter 3
“Are y’all sure this is going to work in here?” Dad asked, leaning his shoulder against the door to my room after we dragged all of our luggage inside. Nic stood in front of my closet with his massive suitcase while I deposited my duffel on my bed. We stared at the space.
“Yeah, I mean it should work.” I shrugged.
“Of course, it will.” Mom slipped past Dad from the hallway. “Annie, come on in here and tell me what you think.” She waved my girlfriend in and then pointed at the far wall. “I’m thinking we move the desk in the opposite corner, move the bed over by the wall, and then we can pull the trundle bed out on the other side of the nightstand. The dresser can move over a few inches this way if we need it to. What do you think?” She looked over her shoulder with an excited glow.
Annie looked around, hands on her hips as she studied the space, both women acting like none of us men were here. Her head jerked in a nod. “I think that will work. Let’s try it.”
They looked at the three of us, expectant. Dad and I shared a look before glancing at Nic, and like we were robots designed for their whim, we got moving. It only took about fifteen minutes, with a short break in the middle for Mom to vacuum when my bed was shifted over, and we were done.
“Alright, sweetie. This one’ll be yours.” She patted the raised trundle and smiled at Nic. He nodded, his expression stoic. I wasn’t sure it had changed since we’d left the airport.
“Dad! My zipper’s stuck on my bag!” Harper called from down the hall, and my parents went bustling from the room.
Annie flopped down with her back on my bed as Nic looked at me. “Is there a place I can put my clothes?”
“Oh, sure.” I rushed over to my dresser and grabbed everything from the bottom two drawers, tossing them into a mostly empty one on top. “You can have those, and I barely have anything on the right side of the closet. Just my surfboard and some beach gear, but I can move those to the garage for now.” I went to grab them next.
“I’ll help.” Annie hopped back up. “Think we can slip away anytime soon?” She looked hopefully at me as we stashed my things in the garage.
I met her gaze, holding it, craving to have her in my arms as much as she did me. “I’m not sure. If Nic hadn’t come with us…”
Annie released a long sigh, the sound wavering and filled with frustration. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I’d just seen her blink back tears.Shit.I pulled her to me when one slipped down her cheek, holding her tight forseveral minutes before pressing a soft kiss to her brow. “Was this week that rough?”
“No. Maybe. Yes.” She drew in a shaky breath. “It was a lot. I had the dream again last night, and Izzy woke up, but she didn’t realize it was because of me. I had no one. When you’re gone, I have no one now. Especially with Mom gone.” Her mouth pressed together with her hard swallow, and I quickly wiped away a stray tear before pressing my lips to her head again.
I felt like an ass. I’d had an amazing week. A rough week but still amazing, learning so much about my family’s past and where we’d come from, and while I’d worried about Annie and the others while away, I hadn’t realized how hard it must have been on her.
“I’m here now,” I whispered against her hair, rocking her as we stood. “I’m not leaving again. I’ve got you.”
The breath she released was shaky, and her arms tightened their hold around me. “I just need time with you. Alone.”
“Done.” I sent a quick text to my parents, and before she could react, I scooped Annie up over my shoulder.
“Babe.” She gasped and then laughed as I hit the garage door opener.
“Nope.” I slapped her ass. “My woman needs my time, and I’m gonna give it to her.”
“Oh, my word.” I could picture her covering her face over my shoulder, but then she smacked my ass. “Hurry up, then.”
She didn’t have to tell me twice. Breaking into a sprint, I rushed across our yards and up her porch steps, turning as she dug her keys from her pocket to unlock the door. The second I heard it swing open, I spun and raced forthe stairs, Annie laughing over my shoulder the entire time. I dropped her against her bed, the bright orange of the covers billowing around her, and she was scooting up towards her pillow as I pounced, her arms flying around my neck as we began a vicious, desperate kiss.
Her hands were everywhere. Yanking off my shirt, sliding around my neck, along my collarbone, down my chest, around to my back and then squeezing my ass. Mine wrapped around her waist while one went behind her head, my elbow propping me up above her.