“I just don’t get why some girls are so weird about sex. Why wait? They like it, too, don’t they? Don’t you?”
Izzy’s head dropped to stare down at her towel, her fingers twirling nervously through the ends of her hair as she flushed more and more pink.
Damn it. Mateo was about to screw up. I could feel it.
“Or do y’all not even do that anymore? I guess I can see why. You probably don’t wanna get knocked up again, huh? Or do you just not want Tucker to see your stomach now? Is that why you’re wearing that one piece? If so, I’m glad. The bikinis you used to wear were hot, but guys don’t wanna see stretch marks. Kind of a turn off, you know?”
“You know what’s a turn off? Your face,” I spat at my dumbass friend.
“What?” Mateo frowned, completely oblivious.
What? Really? What? Can he really not see how upset Izzy is?I glanced back at my girl, watching the tears brim in her eyes before she turned her head away towards the water. “Just go, Mateo.” I tried to keep too harsh of a bite from my voice. The guy seriously didn’t do it on purpose. It was just how he was.
“Why? What’d I do?”
“Go,” I ordered.
“Fine. Jeez,” Mateo grumbled as he got to his feet. “I’ll find someone else to hang out with.”
“Princess.” I knelt down beside her. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, trying to stave off her tears, I was sure. “Isabel, I’m so sorry. I should have made Mateo leave.”
“No. It’s fine. I’ll be alright,” she said softly, opening her eyes again. Glancing down, she picked up the tube of sunscreen she’d left laying on the edge of her towel and held it out to me. “Still interested?” she asked, shifting to give me her back as she pulled her hair over one of her shoulders.
I winced a bit when she did. “Very, but it’s not going to do you much good.”
“What? Why? Don’t tell me I’m already burned.”
“A little on your shoulders. But that’s not why.”
“What then?”
“We’re leaving.”
“But you just got off.”
“Yeah, but we’re going dancing tonight, and I know how long it takes you to get ready.”
She rolled her eyes. “Notthatlong where we’d need to leavenow.”
I shrugged, grinning. “Maybe I just want some time with you first. Not sure about you, but I wouldn’t mind a nap.” A few months ago, I’d have winked with a double entendre, but that really didn’t apply anymore. Sheneededme to sleep. And I needed her.
I held out my hands, and she stared at them for a few moments before placing hers in mine.
“So, dancing, huh?”
“Yep,” I replied, pulling her to her feet.
“And Jet and Annie? I assume that’s who you had to go call.” She gave me a small, disapproving glare.
I grinned and bent to help her gather her things. “I told them to just meet us there when they’re ready. Plus, they had a flat, so they’re running late. You can go home and gather your things and come to my house. That way we’re still not there when they get back.”
Izzy sighed. “I love you, Tucker. And this… But Jet’s going to be so tired. You shouldn’t have bugged him about it.”
“Jet will be fine. It’s you we’re worried about.”
She rolled her eyes. “Like today’s worse than any other. I’m fine.”