Page 46 of Broken

Shit. Izzy…I hurried to rappel, rushing over to her, relieved to see she was already coming to.

She blinked, sitting up, her heat flushed cheeks blushing darker at all of the eyes staring at her. “Sorry,” she murmured.

“No, don’t be. I just want to know what happened.”

“I…don’t know. I was fine, and then the next thing I knew, black spots were dotting my vision.”

“She probably hasn’t had enough water,” one of the instructors offered.

“I’ll get some.” The one that had been with us up top hurried off. He was back within seconds, and I took the bottle to open it, noticing the way Izzy’s hands shook. Handing it back to her, she took several long swallows, eventually polishing off the bottle.

“Thank you.” She handed it back to the guy. “That helped.”

“I figured it would.”

“Yeah, it’s happened before, so I’m not surprised.”

“Wait. What?” My mind did a double take. “It’s happened to you before?”

“During dance once or twice.” Izzy waved it off like it was nothing. “Just when I get way too into it and forget to drink. Or eat.”

I frowned, reaching out to help her steady as she stood.

“Would you like to rest a bit more?” the first instructor asked, and Izzy shook her head.

“I’ll take another water, though.”

“Are you sure?” I pressed, seriously freaked out.

Izzy placed a hand to my chest, smiling up at me in understanding. “I swear, I’m fine, Tucker. I just pushed too hard.”

I nodded, worry still aching in my gut.

My thoughts wouldn’t settle. The entire drive home all I could see was Izzy passed out, falling backward and limp with her arms dangling below her. It had been the scariest feeling I’d had to date, other than the night my cousins had taken her.

I kept her hand in mine on the seat between us, my thumb brushing over her knuckles and all the lines in her palm, feeling the pulse in her wrist. Just needing to feel it to ground me, reassuring me that she was okay.

“I feel like I ruined the night.” She sighed as we turned down the street that led to our neighborhood, and I shook my head.

“It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t mean to.”

“Translation. Yes, the night is ruined.” She sighed again. “I wanted to be with you.”

Be with me?“You are…” I trailed off when I realized what she meant and squeezed her hand.

“I did, too. Ido. I’m just…is it okay for us to…” I looked over, meeting her gaze, and she smiled.

“I’m not broken, Tucker.” There was a hunger in her eyes that had my own desire flickering back to life.

“You’re sure?” I asked, needing her confirmation one last time before I was willing to put my doubts aside.

“Positive. Now, where can we go? Because I’ve been thinking about fucking you all night.”

And bam. All doubts were incinerated.

“My parents are on their own date night, and my sisters are at my grandparents’.”

“Your place it is.”