Page 43 of Broken

“Fuck, no.” I shot him a look, and he held his hands up.

“Jeez. Just asking.”

“Annie’d never allow it,” Jet chimed in. “Neither would I.”

We shared a look of solidarity, grabbing our bags, and left the locker rooms to head to our next classes.

“You okay?” Jet asked, jerking his head to nod at my neck where my hand was locked in a grip.

I frowned, lowering my hand, not even realizing I’d been doing it. “I need a night out.”

“You and me, both.”

I looked down, surprised at his tone, but Jet just stared ahead, not acknowledging it. Giving a mental shrug, I frowned when I saw Zane suddenly do a double take up ahead, and he turned. I followed the direction of his stride and spotted Izzy under the oak, adjusting the strap on her bag.

Oh, hell no.I nudged Jet’s arm, jerking my chin before taking off. My strides being longer, I cut Zane off before he could reach her, stepping in front of him, and he reeled back to not collide with my chest.

“The fuck, Pierce.”

“Don’t even fucking start,” I growled. “You stay the fuck away from her.”

“Or you’ll what? You’re too much of a pretty boy to really do anything here at school. Might lose one of your golden scholarships.”

I stepped forward, closing the space between us, and Jet yanked on my shoulder, pulling me back. Zane smirked. “That’s right. Good, guard doggy. Protecting your master.”

My arm started to reel back, but Jet caught my wrist. “Don’t. He’s just egging you on.” He looked at Zane. “You want to push buttons, do it off school property. None of us need the shit that comes with it here on campus.”

“Fine,” Zane growled, backing away. “But with Izzy, don’t ever expect me to back down.”

“Well, damn,” Jet grumbled when the threat had passed, but I was livid, every muscle in me tense. I needed an outlet. Something to get it out of my system. I turned, ready to stalk away, when I saw Izzy still standing by the oak, her eyes wide and telling me she’d watched the whole thing.

She came up to me, slipping her soft hand into mine, and reached up to cup my cheek. I leaned into her touch on instinct, just having her near enough to cool the rage left simmering inside me. I took her hand from my cheek, engulfing it in mine. “Thank you.”

“For what?”


She frowned, and I grabbed her bag from her shoulder. I was walking my girl to class.

Zane’s threat hadn’t been hollow. The rest of that week, he’d cornered Izzy at least three more times and started leaving whole bouquets of flowers in her locker. She was stressed, so close to losing it. I was pretty sure the only reason she hadn’t wasbecause she’d completely buried herself in dance. I was barely seeing her, and while I’d never considered myself a romantic, inanycapacity in the past, it was like a constant ache had formed in my chest with her absence lately.

“Annie wants to meet up at Bob’s for burgers.” Izzy checked her phone when we got out of class on Friday.

I shook my head, basically desperate now for time with her. “I’ve barely seen you this week. The pastfewweeks. Annie can wait.”

“You’ll be with me at the restaurant, though.” Izzy stared up at me, a cute frown on her face. “And I’ve barely seen her and Jet, either. I miss the four of us.”

“And I miss the two of us. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever even taken you on a date that was just you and me. Have I?”

One of her eyebrows raised, her hand going to rest playfully on her hip. “Just realizing that, huh?”

My face scrunched, and I ran my hand over the back of my neck before dropping it. “I’m making that up to you. Immediately.” I grabbed her hand, and Izzy pulled back.

“Um, game night, whiskey…” she teased, using that nickname she’d dubbed me with but hardly used. I narrowed my eyes playfully.

“I know that. This weekend, then. You and Leo will just have to take a break. My girl deserves to have a night out.”

She beamed. “Deal.”