“And for the record. I like Tucker better than Zane. If you’re happy, then I’m happy for you.”
Chapter 12
I stayed after school to watch Jet’s football practice with Annie the next week. Tucker had gotten sick just days after things had come out with Mom, our stolen kiss obviously too soon. Even Leo had gotten sick. I felt like the walking plague, infecting anyone and everyone I met. Almost literally, because even though I’d technically gotten well almost a week ago, Istillfelt run down. Enough to where I was skipping my day at the studio, since Leo was out anyway.
I laid back on the long metal bench of the stands, pulling my light, crop top hoodie over my eyes to block the sun. A light cool front had blown in, making it just enough to consider a sweater when you were out in the wind.
Annie was set up on the bench below mine, her homework spread in front of her. She took turns, three Calculus questions for another ten minutes of watching Jet and the team.
He’d really been doing awesome, but I knew his spirits were down after homecoming. Another recruiter was scheduled to be at this week’s game, and he’d been roping some of the guys into staying late, helping him run plays while he and Coach Riojas talked strategy and how to improve his chances.
It was almost like it had become Jet’s obsession. Something that I’d never heard him stress about wanting so much before was now all he talked about, and I hoped for his sake that a scholarship came his way.
“Ugh,” I heard Annie grumble after a few minutes, and my brow furrowed.
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” But hearing how pissed she sounded, I couldn’t let it go.
“What happened?”
“Nothing you need to worry about.”
Okay, because that wasn’t cryptic. I sat up. “What, Annie?”
She released a frustrated puff of air. “Just…freaking Zane. He won’t stop looking up here. I love watching Jet at practice, but ugh, does it suck that he’s on the team now. He doesn’t usually stare like this, though. It’s got to be cuz you’re here.”
I cringed.
“He’s gonna get reamed out by one of the coaches if he doesn’t quit,” she added.
My eyes glanced at their own volition, catching number thirty-four looking up after shoving his shoulder into the blocking bag to move it several feet down the field.
I rolled my eyes. I didn’t knowwhatto do to get Zane to forget about me.He probably even thinks I’m here to watchhim. Mystomach rolled at just the thought. So many of my feelings for him were tainted after that night.
“I’m thinking of making some homemade chicken noodle soup tonight. Taking some over to Tucker,” I mentioned, watching with Annie as Jet made a long pass at the other end of the field. Noah leapt with a perfect catch, running into the endzone.
Annie’s lips quirked up in a small smirk. “He’ll like that, I bet.”
“What?” I asked, reading more in her expression.
“Nothing.” She shrugged. “It’s just weird still, hearing how coupley you two are. Don’t let Jenna think you’re taking over her territory with the cooking thing.” Annie pointed a finger at me.
“Jenna bakes. And she’ll love it if I bring over soup.”
“I know. I’m just teasing.”
We watched the rest of practice before heading home with Jet, and I headed to the kitchen while he and Annie went upstairs. I smirked, all too aware of what they were probably getting up to.
Get your head out of the gutter.I scolded myself. It felt like it was always there nowadays, ever since Tucker had exposed me to the world of sex. I doubted Annie and Jet would get up totoomuch with me downstairs, but either way, I wasn’t going to interrupt. Just in case.
I’d just turned the soup down to simmer when my phone dinged with a text.
Leo: Check your email!
I frowned and pulled it up, nearly dropping my phone when I saw the email from Baste Academy.