“Is it a bad idea?”
She sucked in a breath and let out a puff of air, her hands on her hips. “Before school will be rough. Can you make it ‘til after?”
“He’ll know something’s up the second he sees me. I feel like needles are pricking all under my skin, I’m so nervous. But maybe you’re right.”
It was the longest day of my life, trying to act like everything was normal. I called Leo to have him cover my dance tutoring again, saying I was sick. He didn’t even question it with how off I’d been during rehearsals lately. It wasn’t like my Baste Academyaudition was something I needed to prepare for anymore, anyway.
I waited in the bleachers during Tucker’s practice, praying it wasn’t the last time I got the chance to watch him this way. Where he’d look up at me between plays like every shot was dedicated to me.
Annie stayed with me, forever my support today. She only ducked out at the end to meet Jet after football practice. He might not be able to play right now, but he was right there on the sidelines, cheering his team on and offering his guidance and support every day.
“Hey, princess.” Tucker leaned down for a kiss when practice was over. He was covered in sweat, but his face was bright. My stomach rolled, knowing I was about to crush him.
“You were great.” I forced a smile, like I’d been doing all day.
“You ready to head home?” He slung his backpack and gym bag over his shoulder.
He took my hand, and I relished the moment, lacing my fingers through his. Wondering if it would be the last time. He was saying something on the drive home, but I really didn’t hear. I just stared, admiring his strong jaw, his straight nose, and supple lips. The way his hair flopped so effortless and perfectly across his brow. The way he looked at me. Those whiskey depths swirling with love.
I didn’t want to lose him. Loseus.
“Are you okay?” he asked as we pulled up to our neighborhood. “You seem off. You have all day, really.”
“Have I?” I swallowed, looking out the window. “I guess that’s because I have some news.”
“Oh, yeah?” His brow raised, expectant. We pulled up in front of his house, and he shifted his truck into park, leaving the ignition on. Warmth from the heater swirled around us.
Tucker watched me. Waiting.
“I, uh, might have to give up my audition.” I was such a chicken.
“What? Why? Did something happen?” Concern filled those warm brown eyes.
I nodded. “I uh…” I took another breath. “Here.” I reached in my purse, remembering the proof he’d needed from Lisa, and set the pregnancy test on the seat between us. Bracing myself.
Tucker looked down, confused at first, and then froze. Not even a breath left his body.
“I’m pregnant,” I whispered, needing to say it out loud. Make it real. Because it was.
Tucker still didn’t move.
I took another breath, trying to hold back the tears. So many stupid tears. “I found out last night. I know it’s a shock, but I was up all night thinking about it. I’m keeping it, Tucker.”
I waited, hoping for some kind of reaction. A nod. Anything. For him to just look at me…
“No.” He started to shake his head, his eyes still on the stick, and my throat closed tight.
“Okay. Well. I understand,” I somehow choked out and threw open my door before he could see me cry.
Chapter 17
I was in shock. There was no other word for it. I didnotknow how to process what was sitting in front of me on that seat. Most of what Izzy said after ‘I’m pregnant’ went in one ear and out the other. The only thing that jarred me back was the sound of the truck door slamming shut.
My head shot up, and I saw Izzy jogging toward her house, tears streaming down her cheeks, and in that moment, I knew I’d fucked up. If I didn’t go after her now, I’d regret it.