Page 6 of Broken

“So, you’re sure that was all?” Jet asked just as I started to eat again, and I nearly choked on my bite of nacho.

“Um, yeah, why?”

“Just asking.” He shrugged, though there was a knowing look in his eye. “I’ve seen Annie’s reactions when things are up, andthis one seemed pretty big for Zane just being an intimidating ass.”

“Well, after he slapped me around last week, I’m sorry if dealing with him alone was upsetting,” I snapped.

His brow raised, and he frowned. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

I sighed, hating this side of myself. The side that snapped at my friends for worrying. The side that was basically outright lying to them.Maybe I should just tell them. Ryder threatened me if I did, but would he really do anything?I was afraid to find out. I alsohatedkeeping it inside. I’d been on edge all day.

“No, I’m sorry, Jet.” I looked around at my friends. “So, uh–” I paused with the swing of the restaurant door, my eyes widening as Micah and Ryder strolled in. Micah headed up to the counter, but like a beacon, Ryder’s gaze locked in on mine. He smirked, then raised a brow in warning as he glanced from me to Tucker.

I swallowed, my mouth instantly going dry as every muscle in my body froze.

“Shit. What are they doing here?” Tucker grumbled.

Annie and Jet’s heads whipped around, and they groaned. “Okay.” Annie grabbed her phone from the table. “Don’t know about y’all, but I’m officially done now. Y’all ready to go?”

“Please.” I nodded, already sliding from the booth. Tucker threw some money on the table and handed me my purse before wrapping an arm around my shoulders, blocking me from his cousins as we hurried past.

The second we were out the door, I slipped out from Tucker’s hold and speed-walked to his truck, quickly hopping in the passenger side. He climbed in seconds later and pulled me over to meet him in the middle, his fingers lacing through mine, steadying them through the tremors I hadn’t yet noticed as Annie and Jet got in the back.

“You okay?” he asked, pressing a kiss to my brow.

I nodded, already relaxing in his hold.

“They will never touch a hair on you again if I have anything to say about it.”

A tear slipped down my cheek.If he only knew.

Chapter 3


Jet: Heading to my car.

Me: K. Be there in like 2 min.

I dropped my phone on my bed and hurried to my closet, still trying to decide which pair of heels I wanted to wear for the first day of senior year. This was my debut with Tucker to the student population. When summer had hit, I’d still been with Zane. I could just picture all of the drama, the whispers and the stares when everyone realized who I was with now. That Tucker had finally settled down. With me.God, how had thisactuallyhappened?I still didn’t believe it at times.

I pushed back the nerves that fluttered threateningly through my stomach, knowing Jet was waiting, and my fingers flitted between black and purple pumps, debating which I liked best with my deep purple lace wrap top and frayed jean skirt I’dfinally set on. Deciding to go bold with the purple, I grabbed a pair of earrings and a bracelet before checking my look in the mirror one last time. Then I grabbed my bag, racing out the door to meet Jet.

“That was more like seven minutes,” he greeted me when I opened the door to his Mustang.

“Yeah, well, since when am I not late?” I grinned, earning a matching one from him as he backed out of his drive.

“You ready for today?”

“Yeah, Annie wasn’t, though. I think she only made it to practice on time because she was riding with Tucker.”

Jet nodded. “Couldn’t pay me enough to do cross country. Up before dawn’s just too dang early. Unless it’s for surfing. I’m surprised your sister does it. Well, except that it’s running.” He laughed.

“Yeah, it gets her her fix.” I laughed back. “Annie’s planning to stay and watch your football practice today, so I’ll just catch a ride with Tucker after school. If that’s okay?”

Jet popped a shoulder, adjusting the radio as we turned onto the main road. “I figured that would be the plan.”

We fell into companionable silence for the rest of the drive until one of my favorite songs by Paul Russell came through the speakers, and Jet and I had a sing-off in the car, using my phone as a mic between us. Laughing, we pulled into an empty spot in the middle of the parking lot and headed to our usual meeting spot under the oak tree in the courtyard.