Page 5 of Broken

He sighed, reading my expression. “Fine. When you’re ready. But you’re never taking off at the races without me or Jet with you again.”

I had to laugh at that. “Deal.”

It was Annie that was going to be the tougher sell.

After a long stretch wrapped up in Tucker’s arms, he finally walked me home. I ignored the pull in my middle to head to my makeshift studio in the garage as I slipped inside the quiet downstairs. If Annie came home and found me there, there’d be no putting her off from what happened, so I headed straight for the shower, spending an ample amount of time washing off the feel of Ryder’s hands from my body. Even scrubbing my mouth with my loofa to rid the feel of his lips and the taste of his blood.

I knew it was all in my head, to a certain extent. Tucker’s lips were the last to touch mine, his hands the last to explore my curves, but I felt better, nonetheless.

Quickly towel drying and then blow drying my hair, I brushed my teeth and spread on my nightly moisturizer, doing my normal routine. It was when I was running lotion over myself that I found the darkening bruise at the back of my hip. I shifted, looking over my shoulder in the bathroom mirror to get a better look at it, the moment from the car tonight instantly replaying in my memory, and I shuddered.

Get it together, Isabel. Nothing actually happened. Micah stopped him, and David got you out before it got worse.Irefused to acknowledge who else had been there. In no way would I associate him with being my savior. Not after what he’d done barely a week ago.

I heard the door open downstairs and hurried to slip on my pajamas, managing to cover my bruise just as Annie got to our room.

Her eyes raked over me, and I already knew she was looking for signs, for any details or nuances that might help her fill in the gaps from tonight.

I flipped back the top of my purple and black comforter, crawling onto my bed on my knees. “I’ll tell you what I told Tucker because I know you felt something was wrong. I ran into Zane after going to the restroom. Yes, he wants me back. Yes, he said other stuff. But no, I’m not ready to get into any of it tonight. I’ll fill you in laterafterI’ve had some rest and a chance to process.”

Annie just stared. Then, as soon as I thought she was going to blast me for holding that much back, she just nodded. “Okay.” And headed into the bathroom to start the shower.

I sighed, dropping back onto my bed, and threw the covers over my head to bury everything out, begging for sleep to come.

I woke after what felt like minutes, but the utter silence and stillness in the night air around me told me it was much later. My heart raced, my nerves running rampant throughout my body. I couldn’t remember exactly what it was I had dreamt, but I was far too on edge to even hope for anymore sleep. A tap on the screen of my phone told me it was just past four in the morning.

Slipping from the covers, I quietly selected a pair of leggings and a sports bra from my dresser before grabbing my AirPods from the nightstand and crept downstairs, careful not to wakeanyone in the house. I glanced in Mom’s room when I passed the kitchen, seeing her even and steady breathing, and gently shut her door, not wanting to disturb her in case I got too loud.

Heading just down the hall, I slipped into the garage, the familiar smell of sweat and old motor oil filling my senses already calming my nerves as I changed into the clothes I brought down with me. My shoes were in the corner behind the door, and instead of blaring my music through the speakers like I usually did, I set up my phone on Daddy’s old workbench and slipped on my headphones, my muscles melting and warming the second the beat touched my ears.

Hours passed in my oblivion before I finally trudged upstairs for another shower and fell back into bed. It was midmorning before I woke, and I spent most of my day with my family before Mom shoved Annie and me out the door again, telling us to enjoy our last evening out before the school year started.

We met up with the guys and rode over to Summer Ridge for a movie, then headed to Nachos Ole, our second attempt at a double date night. Tucker and I took one side of the booth while Annie and Jet took the other, the four of us laughing and chatting as we filled our plates from the massive platter of nachos we’d ordered for the table. I was just getting a second helping when Jet burst the bubble.

“So, what exactly happened with Zane last night?”

I froze, a nacho halfway to my mouth, and Annie elbowed Jet in the ribs. He rubbed at his side, but his eyes stayed fixed on me. Everyone’s did. I lowered my food back to my plate and crumpled a napkin in my palm before rubbing my hands down the skirt of my dress against my thighs.


“You don’t have to if you’re not ready,” Tucker offered.

My whole body sagged with a sigh, just hearing that, it was enough to make me comfortable enough to share. “No, it’s fine.”My lips tilted in a slight smile before going into everything Zane had said and done when I’d first seen him last night. I stirred the straw in my soda, my eyes fixed on the swirling ice as I filled them all in, needing something to focus on besides the way Tucker’s arm stiffened behind my shoulders.

“I’m gonna kill him.” Annie’s hands balled into fists at the edge of the table when I was done.

“No. That’s my job,” Tucker’s deep voice growled.

Jet covered one of Annie’s hands with his, rubbing gently with his thumb. “I think it’s up to Izzy what we do.”

He and I exchanged a small smile. The levelheaded ones of our group. He knew I wouldn’t want them lashing out.

“I think he was just mad when he saw me there with Tucker. I told David what he did wasn’t forgivable. Hopefully, he’ll get the message.”

“And if he doesn’t?” Tucker stared down at me, so much anger and ferocity in his gaze. My protector.

“Then I’ll try toreasonwith him. I understood you fighting him the last time, but that doesn’t need to be your go-to.” I sighed when I saw him ready to argue. “Really. Zane was over the line, but Ido notwant y’all bringing it up with him. It’ll just make it worse. I’m sure of it. Can we please just let it go? This is not how I want to spend the last night of summerorthis date.”

Annie slumped back in her seat as Tucker’s stance eased beside me. “Fine. I’ll let it go for now, but if he pulls anything like that again, I can’t promise I’ll hold back.” I nodded, exchanging a smile with my sister. I didn’t expect anything less.