“There’s not.” I cut him off, my voice like stone, and David’s brow rose at my hostility.
“Whatever happened, Izzy–”
“You mean how he cheated on me and then hit me? No thanks, David. He might regret it, and you’re free to be friends with him, but there are some things that can’t be taken back.”
I stared up at him, my own fire glinting in my eyes with my festering anger and resentment, something I knew I’d have to deal with at some point, and after a few seconds, David nodded.
We kept walking until Tucker’s truck came into view, and like the invisible tether connecting us was yanked, Annie’s head jerked up. Relief rolled over her features, and she pushed past Jet and Tucker to race over, throwing her arms around me so hard I stumbled back a few steps.
“Oh, my God, you had us so worried. Where were you?” She sobbed against me, and guilt spread through me at making her or any of them worry. “We found your phone and couldn’t find you anywhere.”
I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tight as Tucker and Jet ran up, tears now rolling down my own cheeks.
I shot David a look, shutting him up.
“I didn’t realize I dropped it. David found me, and we were just talking a little. I’m so sorry for making you worry.”
“Fuck.” Tucker swooped me up the second Annie let me go, and my legs wrapped around his waist, my head burrowing into his neck, taking in the smell that was just simply…him. My nerves calmed the second I was in his arms. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“I’m sorry.” I kissed his neck, feeling the way he was shaking. “I should’ve realized.” A sickening feeling spread through my middle at the lie, but Ryder’s words twisted through my thoughts like venom. I knew I couldn’t hide it from Tucker forever, but I needed to get my head around it first. Find a way to deal with it without the drawbacks of those threats. “Can we go home?” I whispered.
He kissed the side of my head at my temple. “In a heartbeat. But I want to talk about it later.”
I nodded, trying to hide my hard swallow.
Chapter 2
The ride back was quiet. No radio. No talking. I’d scared everyone pretty thoroughly. Tucker had my hand clutched in his on the seat between us, and every time he came to a stop sign or a light, he’d look over at me. I kept my eyes straight ahead, afraid that if I met his gaze, he would know. But I watched him through my peripheral vision. The strong set of his shoulders and the tick in his jaw. I wondered if, somehow, he already knew. Maybe not what his cousins had done but that I was hiding something.
We pulled into the wide wraparound drive at his house, and he ran around before I could even pull the handle on my door.
“Thanks.” I managed to smile up at him.
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to my lips, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him closer, needing to feel him, needing him near. I nipped at his bottom lip, my tongue askingfor entrance, and he let out a soft groan, his tongue slipping in to meet mine. He was gentle, but I was needy, my tongue caressing and begging for more as I clung to Tucker’s strong form.
He stepped forward, his hips pushing my knees apart, and he pulled my waist to drag my hips against his. His length hit my core, and I moaned at how hard he was. Some sick part of me awakening even after all I’d been through tonight. I was ready to crawl up this man’s body and ride him until I screamed.
“Izzy, wait.” Tucker gently pulled my arms free from his neck, giving me one last peck before standing to his full height. Those whiskey eyes of his looked down at me, and I could see so much that he wasn’t saying. The way he was asking me to confide in him. To tell him what I was hiding. The frustration and anger he was holding back.
I squeezed his hand in mine and dropped my head to his chest, breathing in that smell that was just him all over again.
“You think there’s more to it tonight.”
“I know there is,” he said gently. I looked up at him, my expression asking how. “Because Annie doesn’t go into freaked-out twin mode over nothing.”
I groaned and lowered my head again. “It really wasn’t as bad as you’re probably thinking. I ran into Zane outside of the restroom and got kind of freaked out.” I felt Tucker stiffen but continued, knowing I had to tell him at least part of the truth. “He’s basically determined to get me back, whichwill nothappen, but he was there with David tonight. Which, long story short, is how I ended up talking with David before heading back to y’all. I didnotmean to freak y’all out. I’m so sorry. I swear.”
Tucker stood stock still for several seconds before placing a finger under my chin and tipping my head back so my eyes could meet his. “Are you okay?”
I swallowed, fighting back the slight prickling behind my eyes. “Yes. Now that I’m back in your arms, I am.”
“I want to know everything he said.” Steel embedded through his undertone.
I shook my head. “Not tonight, please.” I was too exhausted, mentally and emotionally, to wade through any more of it tonight.