I jolted when I woke later, the sounds of Izzy’s screams still echoing in my head, and immediately groaned. A massive bruiseon my spine and a few fractured ribs were no joke, and I was stiff as hell.
Trying to get my bearings, I glanced at the window, taking in the lack of light in the room. It had to be near dusk, just a hint of light coming through the crack in the curtains. I’d been sleeping for hours, then, and it was the first time I felt half-rested in days. Somehow, it felt wrong. I’d been gone too long. Forcing myself to roll over so I could get back to the hospital, I frowned when I realized I was just in my socks.Did I take my shoes off?
I glanced around, spotting them set neatly on the floor next to my door and knew that hadn’t been me.Mom. I surmised, finding a bottle of water and Tylenol on my nightstand next.
Sitting up, I downed the painkillers before getting up, and I stumbled a little when I tried to move. Making my way to the bathroom, I flipped on the shower, taking a minute to brush my teeth while the water warmed up. The reflection staring back at me was rough.
My eyes were bloodshot, even after sleep, and damn, did I need a shave, my jaw rough with several days’ worth of stubble. But I’d worry about that later. All I cared about was running some soap over myself and getting back to Izzy.
Just like before, I was running on autopilot, but my thoughts weren’t as muddled this time, actually half alert. I sent Jet a text about a ride and threw on some clothes before grabbing a jacket, a killer cold front scheduled to come through soon, and started to run out the door.
“Tucker, is that you? Are you feeling any better?” Mom’s voice came from the kitchen, and I bit back a curse.
“Yeah, tons. Just heading to see Izzy with Annie and Jet,” I said, glancing at my phone as Jet texted back.
“Have you eaten?” She came around the corner, resting her shoulder on the doorway as she wiped her hands with a dishtowel. “I can make you something.”
“Not hungry.”
“You need to eat, Tucker. I know you’re worried about Izzy, and I understand, but you have to take care of yourself, too, or you won’t be any good for her.”
“Not. Hungry.” I tried not to growl.
Mom sighed, her eyes looking sad as they raked over me. Somehow, it just grated on me more. “Fine, but I’m sending you with a couple of sandwiches I prepped for your dad for work tomorrow. Maybe you’ll want them later.” She disappeared around the corner and reappeared with Dad’s lunchbox.
“Thanks.” I took it just so I could get out the door.
Jet and Annie were waiting by my truck, an easier fit for us than the Mustang. I tossed Jet the keys, and we climbed in, not a word between us. Annie looked as rough as me. She’d been up at the hospital almost as much, only going home when it was her shift with Archer. Jet was the only one of us that had even been to school this week. The recruiter had come by yesterday. He was getting a full ride. We hadn’t even celebrated.
I wasn’t sure I even could. Not with Izzy…
“Any changes?” Annie asked at some point during the drive.
I shook my head, half-zoned out as I stared out the window. The doctors still weren’t ready for her to wake up.
Weaving through Houston traffic, we pulled up to the hospital a while later, the mood stoic between us as we all got out on the far side of the packed parking lot. Jet and Annie led the way in, but as soon as we reached the sidewalk, I stopped, almost doing a double take as a familiar Lexus pulled in.
Hell no. There’s no way…
But apparently there really fucking was. I took off, once again moving on autopilot, only emotions and fury driving me.
“Tucker?” Annie called out, confusion in her voice until she spotted who I had. “Oh, hell no!”
“Fuck,” Jet grunted, grabbing her waist when she started to charge. “Think it through, man.” I heard his warning.
I already had.
And I was seeing white. Way past red.
The second my cousins came around the back of their car, I went off.
“The fuck are y’all doing here?!”
Micah took a step back, his hands going palms out up by his chest to show no harm. “We wanted to come check on you.”
“So, you just show up?! After all the shit y’all pulled?!”
“Uncle Chuck–”