Page 65 of Finding Fate



“I can’t believe we’re actually in your house, by ourselves…” Annie sighed as she followed Jet down the hall to his bedroom.

“It’s great, isn’t it?”

“Definitely. It’s been way too long.”

They stepped into the room, and Annie gaped. The floor was covered in shoes, dirty laundry, DVD cases, empty soda bottles, and other various paraphernalia. It made her realize how long it had been since she had been in this room.

“Oh my, God, babe, have you heard of a trashcan? Or a vacuum? A hamper?”

Leaning against his doorway, Jet lifted one shoulder in a shrug as he smirked. “It’s lived in. Homey.”

Annie shook her head and grinned. She wasn’t going to waste their time. “You know what’s homey?” she asked, her tone turning just as playful as it was suggestive. Jet raised his brow in question. Annie grabbed his hand to pull him onto the bed with her, curling up in his arms. “This,”she thought, “is the best place in the world.”

They laid there in each other’s arms for a few minutes. Annie relaxing with the comfort of her man’s embrace, Jet breathing in her wonderful scent of fresh air and apples, his body eager to react to her soft curves against him.

He was pretty good at setting those thoughts aside, happy just to be with her, but he was a guy, and it had been over a month since he’d been able to do anything but sneak a kiss. He ached for her.

“I missed this,” he heard her sigh.

“I missed you.”

She looked up at him then, her playful grin showing on her lips. “Jet Thanos, are you implying that you want me?”

By her expression, he could tell that she was definitely interested.

“Would it help if I didn’t just imply it?”

He moved down and kissed her lips hungrily, and she clung to him. Her body pressing against his only made him want her more.

He lifted her T-shirt, his lips trailing kisses up from her navel to her breasts as he slowly peeled the cloth from her body. She moaned in response, arching as his tongue swirled perfectly against her for several incredible minutes. Jet groaned at her sounds and started on her jeans as he began to trail back down her slender form. Ready and now frustrated at his slow exploration, Annie yanked the jeans from her feet, and Jet took his cue, peeling off her panties and ravenously setting his tongue to work between her thighs.

She gasped, squirming against his sheets in delight. She refused to be self-conscious about this act today, threading her fingers through his dark waves, her hips working a rhythm as he drove the delicious pleasure through her. When her breaths grew fast and shallow, and her moans turned louder, Jet quickened his pace, his hands sliding beneath her rear, pulling her closer. Annie’s grip tightened, pressing him to her as she trembled. The added pressure had her crying his name and clutching the sheets in seconds.

Grinning, Jet sat back, scrambling to remove his clothes as she recovered. Annie reached for him as he leaned over her to grab protection, and he had to still her hand if he was going to last; it had been so long after they’d only just started.

Realizing Jet’s predicament, Annie helped him with the condom instead, rolling it on as his anxious hands shook. Her chest tightened as he crawled over her, settling between her legs when a noise blared from the floor from the pocket of her jeans.

They both jumped in surprise, and heart in her throat, Annie glanced at her Fitbit to see who was trying to call. “Izzy,” she explained, then noticed the messages she’d missed. ‘Oh, my God.”

“What?” Jet pulled back as she shot up, recognizing her distress as he struggled with the abrupt pause.

“I don’t know. Something’s wrong, I think. I missed her first few texts.” She met his gaze, her apology evident without saying. “I have to go.”

Jet nodded, getting up so she could dress. She sprung up and looked around the mess of the room in slight desperation. “Where are my clothes?”

Jet reached over the end of his bed and tossed the solid black bra and ACDC T-shirt to her as she hurriedly jabbed her feet into her jeans.

“What did she say?”

“Just that she needed me,” she explained as she flew into the rest of her clothes. “Where are my shoes?!” she exclaimed, frantic. Having already searched the floor, she ducked down, pulling her now dust bunny covered flip flops from under her boyfriend’s bed. She paused just long enough to touch Jet’s cheek, her eyes pleading for him to understand. “I’m so sorry, babe. I know it’s not fair, but I have to check on Izzy. She hasn’t said she’s needed me since…”

He nodded. “It’s alright. We’ll find another time. Now, go be a good sister.”

“I love you!” she called as she darted out the door. Jet groaned, heading to the shower to take care of things himself once again.