Page 7 of Finding Fate


First Date

“Chelsea, Victoria, get your butts in gear! I’m going to be late for work if we don’t leave soon!” Tucker called out to his seven and eight-year-old sisters, shoving his whistle in his swim shorts pocket. He grabbed his wallet and keys from the entry table, ready for his shift. He just had to get his sisters out the door.

“I’m giving you ‘til the count of three to be ready to go before I leave without you,” he shouted upstairs, hoping they still believed the empty threat.

“One!” Nothing.


“We’re coming!” the girls cried out, running downstairs.

“Three,” Tucker said just as they came to a stop, panting in front of him. He looked them over to make sure they hadn’t forgotten anything. “You almost didn’t make it,” he teased as they headed outside.

Crossing the street, he could hear playful chatter from the Dearly’s backyard. He peered over the fence, not bothering with the front door, and saw Tyler and Chris filling up water guns at the back faucet, the seven and eight-year-old boys pointing conspiratorially towards Jet’s twelve-year-old sister Tabitha, who was lying back on a patio chair, glued to her phone. Annie and Izzy were chatting nearby.

“It’s just so pretty,” Izzy said, grabbing Annie’s hand. “Jet did well.”

Tucker opened the gate, and his sisters darted inside to join their friends at the faucet. He waited for Izzy to notice, prepared for the brief, icy stare she sent him before greeting her added charges.

“Hey, girls!” she called out and turned her back to him to face Tabitha.

He nodded in acceptance and waved to Annie before he turned to leave.

“Hey!” Annie called, darting over to fall in step beside him. “I’m supposed to meet Jet in a few minutes. Mind if I catch a ride?”

“No problem.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “So Izzy’s still pretty pissed, huh?”

Annie snorted, “You earned it this time. I hope hooking up with that girl was worth it.”

“You know?” he asked, surprised. “Which means Izzy knows.” His stomach sunk for some reason at the thought.

Annie rolled her eyes. “Your truck wasn’t exactly the most inconspicuous place to get laid.”

“Hey, you’re one to talk. The mustang’s windows were pretty steamy from what I heard.”

“That doesn’t mean we were screwing,” she snapped, getting annoyed. “And we weren’t the ones that were supposed to give Izzy a ride home. Pretty dick move, even for you. At least, Wesley offered her a ride.”

Tucker frowned, hating it when Annie was right. “Is she still going out with him today?” he asked as they reached his truck.

“Yeah, she seems pretty excited too.”

Tucker scowled as he climbed behind the wheel, done with their conversation. He’d have to do some damage control.

* * *

“Ladies first,” Wesley said with his arm outstretched as they reached the first hole at the miniature golf course.

“Thanks,” Isabel flashed him a smile, situating her purple ball. She looked over the first hole, aimed, and swung.

“Not bad, not bad,” Wesley said when it stopped a few inches from the mark.

“Let’s see what you can do, then,” she replied.

He flashed her a cocky grin, reminding her for a second of Tucker, then swaggered up to take his turn. The black ball bounced off one of the edges before rolling right into the hole.

“Showing off, are we?” Isabel teased.