“Blood work? Why? Is something wrong?!”she thought in a panic.
“Now, don’t freak out. It’s just standard stuff. They’re just going to draw some blood so they can run some routine tests to make sure all of your levels are okay.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay, no problem.”
Lab work went quickly, but Tucker still seemed too quiet to Isabel. She wondered if it was just his reaction to the experience. It had definitely blown her away, and her mother seemed to have relaxed a little after hearing the heartbeat, so that was good.
“Okay, sweetie, I’m going to check at the front desk to see if they can pull you and Annie in together for this part since you’re both scheduled for Dr. Fallor, and they seem to be running behind. You’ll have to stay in the waiting area, though, Tucker.”
“Mom,” Isabel protested.
“He doesn’t need to be in there when Annie is, and he was with you for the most important part today. Tucker can meet Dr. Fallor next time. She’s just going to go over your lab work and ask you questions about your cycle and things like that today anyway.”
Tucker held up his hands. “I don’t mind. Really,” he assured them. He had enough to take in. “So what’s Annie here for?” he asked when Bridgette walked off.
Izzy smiled, shaking her head. “You really have been out of it today, haven’t you? Annie and I were talking about it right next to you in the waiting room for at least twenty minutes.”
“Oh, well, what’s she here for?”
“Birth control.”
Tucker coughed. “Birth control?!” he asked in a loud whisper. “Did we freak her and Jet out that much?”
She laughed. “No, well, yeah, probably, but that’s not why she’s getting it. It’s more like Mom, Helen, and Stefano freaked out. They don’t want them to ruin their futures like we did.”
Tucker stopped her before they reached the empty chairs by her sister, waiting for her to meet his gaze. “Our futures are not ruined as long as we’re together. They’re just different. We’ll figure it out.”
“I know, Tucker. I agree. It’s our parents’ words, not mine.”