Page 56 of Finding Fate

Tucker looked at Izzy, tear tracks running down her cheeks. They knew where their parents were going with this, and they were going to have to let them down again.

“You’re right. Adoption,” his mom said, relief spreading through her tone as Bridgette nodded. “They give the baby up for adoption, and then they can finish school and go off to college just like they’re supposed to.”

“We’re keeping the baby,” Tucker said firmly.

“What? Honey, why would you do that? You two have such bright futures ahead of you. Do the right thing,” his mom pleaded.

“Isabel, Tucker, be reasonable,” Bridgette interjected. “You’re too young, and you’ve barely started dating. A baby is so much responsibility. Give it to someone who can take care of it.”

Izzy stood up then, flushed with anger despite the tears still streaming down her cheeks. “I love this baby, Mother,” she fumed, her hand flying to her stomach. “And I will not give it away to strangers. Adoption is not an option!”

She rushed out of the room then, and they heard the front door slam shut behind her. Tucker stood and looked at all three parents.

“My future is not over. It’s with Izzy. I knew that even before we knew she was pregnant. We’re keeping our baby,” he said. His tone leaving no room for argument, he followed his girlfriend, leaving their parents standing in the living room, speechless.

He felt a hand on his arm, and the touch brought his thoughts back to the present waiting room.

“Tuck, come on. They’re calling us back,” Izzy said as she got up from the chair and turned to her sister. “I wish you could come back with us, Annie, but I’ll tell you all about it later,” she promised.

“Alright,” Annie replied, picking up a magazine, “I’ll see you when you’re done, and I expect details.”

Tucker followed, curious and terrified, but determined to be there for his girl.

* * *

They followed a short, mocha-skinned woman in scrubs around the corner where she motioned them into an open room. “I’m Miranda, and I’ll be doing your ultrasound today. Could you state your name and date of birth please?”

“Isabel Dearly. January first, 2002.”

“Great. And who did you bring with you today?”

“I’m Bridgette, her mother,” the older brunette answered, taking a seat on a nearby bench.

“Tucker,” he greeted, trying not to freak out at all the supplies and machines set up in the room.

“And the father, I presume?”

He nodded curtly and sunk onto the other end of the bench. It was weird hearing someone refer to him as a father. His mind didn’t know what to do with those words.

“Alright, Isabel, since you’re wearing a dress, I won’t have to ask you to change, but I need you to head into the restroom over there to remove your underwear, then come back and crawl up on the table here. I’m going to give you a sheet to cover up with,” the tech said, pulling a folded white square from a nearby drawer.

“I feel so exposed,” Izzy said when she came back out and climbed up, pulling the paper sheet over herself.

“You had better get used to it, sweetie. It’s only going to get worse. Modesty goes out the window when you have a baby.”

Ignoring her mother as the tech read over some paperwork, she said, “You okay, Tuck? You haven’t said very much since we got here.”

“I’m just a little nervous,” he replied. At least, he had managed to stop fidgeting. Izzy would have hated it if Bridgette had sent him outside. It helped that they weren’t in the waiting room anymore. In here, he didn’t have to look at all of the different pregnant women and baby pictures all over the place. Although there were still parenting magazines on a small table nearby.

“I’m a little nervous, too,” Izzy replied, twirling a lock of hair around her finger.

“Well, if you two hadn’t decided to have sex, you wouldn’t have anything to be nervous about.”

Tucker sighed. He had a feeling that Bridgette was going to be making comments like that for a while.

“I still think you should at least consider giving the baby up for adoption. I don’t think y’all realize how big of a deal this is.”

Isabel groaned. “Mom, we’ve talked about this like fifty times this week. We’re not giving the baby up. You’re not going to change my mind about it.”