Page 53 of Finding Fate


The Talk

“I don’t have a good feeling about this,” Annie grumbled to Jet as they went to join their parents at the Thanos’ dining table immediately after school the next Friday.

“Me neither.”

He knew this was big, though. All three of their parents were home early. They’d even called the school to make sure he didn’t stay for practice today.

He couldn’t pinpoint exactly what they would say, but if he had to guess, Jet figured it probably had something to do with the news Izzy and Tucker had delivered last weekend. “This should be fun,” he thought sardonically as he and Annie took their seats.

His dad was the first to start. He cleared his throat. “Now, you two have been together for a long time.”

“And we love that you’re so good together,” Helen cut in. “I can’t imagine anyone who could make Jet happier, Annie.”

“But…,” Stefano cut back in, “there are some aspects of your relationship, of being in a relationship, that we feel we haven’t talked with you enough about.”

Jet groaned, knowing now where this was heading. He felt Annie stiffen beside him and prepared himself for things to get heated.

“I know you two might not want to talk about this, but we have to. We, as in all three of us,” he said, pointing to their moms and himself, “think you’re too young to be having sex.”

“We’re not saying that we know whether or not you are,” Helen chimed in.

“But since your sister and Tucker decided to have sex, and they’ve only been together a few months, we feel that it’s reasonable to think that you two have done it as well,” Bridgette added.

“Mom, it’s not fair for you to compare our relationship with Izzy and Tucker’s,” Annie snapped, hating that their parents just assumed the worst when they had been responsible.

“I think it’s very fair,” Bridgette replied, her ‘don’t test me’ voice well in effect. “I can’t deny that something that happens to one of my girls could easily happen to the other. I thought I had talked to you and your sister plenty about being safe and not rushing into things.”

“Oh, so Jet and I would be rushing things if we decided to do it? We’ve been dating over four years now. We’ve been friends for forever. That would be rushing?” she retorted, voice rising.

Jet took hold of her hand beneath the table and gave it a gentle squeeze of support, then pressed the back of her hand to her leg, running his thumb over her palm as he silently urged her to calm before things got out of hand. She still looked furious, but he’d felt some of her tension ease.

“Yes, Annie. We think it would be,” Helen took over before a fight could ensue between mother and daughter. “You two are still in high school. You’re still minors. If you have sex and don’t take the right precautions, or even if you do take the right precautions, nothing’s one hundred percent effective… There are too many decisions you’re too young to make if that happens… We don’t want that for you.”

Jet scrutinized his parents’ intensity at this hypothetical situation. It was bizarre. He and his dad had talked. Beingsafe was the number one topic every time. His mom gave him an encouraging smile, but his returning one was tight and forced.

“I have a question,” he said, his tone firm with his irritation. “Since y’all seem to already assume that we’re having sex without even asking us about it, is this conversation more about convincing us to stop having sex or finding out whether or not we’re stupid about having sex, so we don’t end up like Izzy and Tucker?”

His mother’s mouth opened and closed in surprise. Bridgette’s gaze flicked between him and Annie, not sure of which to focus on, and his father’s jaw tightened. Jet could feel Annie all but gaping at his directness, but he was tired of them beating around the bush.

“Would it really have helped if we would have asked you if you were having sex?” his mom asked. “Wouldn’t you have gotten just as upset as you’re getting now?”

“Yes, it would have helped. As for getting just as upset, I can’t answer for Annie, but I know I wouldn’t be. If you had taken the time to find out for sure, this conversation could have gone a lot easier.”

“Alright then, son, are you and Annie having sex?” his father asked.


They heard their mothers moan at the confirmation of their fears.

“Ugh, why, Jet?”Annie thought, dropping her head into her hands. She’d rather them have that seed of doubt. It was going to be hard to look at his parents for a while.

Stefano nodded, seeming to appreciate the honesty, even if he wasn’t happy about it. “For how long?”

“Since June.”

“So was this some milestone you and your sister decided you should pass through together?” Bridgette snapped.