Page 36 of Finding Fate

“Well, you don’t have to worry about me flirting back. I don’t even notice other girls anymore now that I’m with you.”

She raised an eyebrow and gave him a doubtful look.

He sighed. “Okay, so I notice if they’re pretty or whatever, but that’s true for everybody. You might think a guy is hot, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to go hit on him. The only person I notice that way is you,” he explained, hoping she’d understand.

“Good,” she smiled, tiptoeing to meet him for a kiss.

“Come for a walk with me?” Tucker asked her as he took her hand. She nodded. A break from the crowd and swirling heat sounded wonderful at that moment.

“I guess that’ll be a normal thing, though, girls trying to flirt with you when I’m around,” Isabel said as they strolled along the water’s edge, the wet, night-cool sand squishing between her toes. The coolness felt unusually good compared to the hot, July air, especially after leaving the blazing fire. It had been getting to her head, honestly.

“Only until people realize that we’re together,” he assured her.

“I can’t really blame them, though. I do have the hottest guy around.”

“Oh, really?”

“Have you looked at you?”

“Is that all you’re in this for?” Tucker teased. “My looks?”

Isabel shoved him playfully, sending him a few inches into the water. “Oh, hush, you know it’s not about that.”

He laughed and took hold of her hand again. “It’s not just about that for me either, but you are beautiful. Gorgeous eyes. Crooked smile. Smokin’ legs…” he listed his complements, making her blush.

“Now if only I was able to tan it would complete the look,” she joked, a little bit of longing disguised in her voice.

“I don’t know…I think I prefer your skin creamy, and perfect,” he said, running a finger down her arm and sending tingles throughout her body.

“Yeah, right,” she performed a mental eye roll. “You’re just saying that because I can’t tan.”

“No, that’s not why I’m saying it.”

“Then why?”

“Because I love you just the way you are.”

She stopped, and he paused next to her. “Did he say what I think he did? Tucker loves me?” Their time together the past few weeks had been wonderful, each day being better than the last. He was everything she could want: comfort, passion, and friend all in one.

Isabel stared up, losing herself once again in those warm, chocolate eyes. The water sparkled behind him as the moonlight reflected off the gentle, dark waves. Wind wafted up from the ocean then, flowing through the layers of tresses that fell across her back and causing a few of Tucker’s sandy blonde strands to lie against his forehead.

She breathed, emotion flooding her chest. It had happened strong and fast for both of them she realized. Almost surreal, yet perfect. “I love you, too,” she replied, enraptured as he leaned down and gave her one of his body-melting, knee-weakening kisses.

* * *

“Where have y’all been?” Annie demanded, practically storming towards them when they got back to the bonfire. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“We just went for a walk down by the water,” Tucker replied, his brow raising. It wasn’t like Annie to be annoyed about something like this, especially after she had a few beers in her.

“You weren’t answering texts or anything. I’ve been trying to let you know that Wesley’s here,” she grated.

Tucker looked around wildly and saw the defined, medium build Hispanic flirting with a group of girls on the other side of the fire.

His jaw tightened as he clenched his fist. His knuckles had finally healed earlier that week, but he was more than willing to damage them again if that asshole tried anything…if he so much as even talked to Izzy.

“Thanks for telling us, Annie. Come on, Tuck. Let’s just go,” Izzy said, giving his arm a slight tug in the direction of where they had parked.

“She’s right. We should go. It’s not worth it,”Tucker thought, trying to put his anger aside. His hours lifeguarding had already been cut some since he told his boss he couldn’t work any shifts with Wesley anymore. Sure it meant more free time he could spend with his girl, but his cash flow was a bit limited now.