Page 33 of Finding Fate

“Tucker!...Izzy!” Annie cried. She ran up to the couch and collapsed clumsily next to her sister. “The party was sooo much fun! I wish you could have been there!” Isabel’s eyebrows rose, and she looked at Jet.

“What happened tonight?” Tucker asked him as Annie started giggling for no apparent reason. He knew Annie liked to party and sometimes had some drinks, but it was rare to see her anywhere past tipsy.

“We had a few drinks down at the bonfire,” he said with a shrug, moving Izzy’s purse to relax in the armchair.

Isabel gave him a skeptical look. “A few drinks?”

“Scratch that. I had a few drinks. Annie decided to go all out since she wouldn’t have to sneak past your mom tonight. Party was awesome.”

Annie leaned over and cupped her hand around Izzy’s ear. “I had beer and tequila!” she whispered dramatically. “I like tequila.”

“That’s nice,” Isabel replied, pushing her over a little on the couch. Her nose crinkled at the stench of alcohol on her sister’s breath. “She’s going to be so sick later,” she commented, standing up. “Come on, sis, I think you should get ready for bed.”

Annie grabbed her sister’s arm and pulled. “Wait! Did Tucker talk to you?! Did you dump Wesley yet?”

Isabel looked shocked at the outburst, but the guys laughed.

“Yeah, Annie, I talked to her.”

“So?” she said expectantly, looking from him to Izzy, back and forth.

“So…I’m kind of with Tucker now?” she replied, giving him a smile.

“Yay!” Annie cried, slipping off the couch when she tried to jump up for a hug. Jet got up to help her back to her feet, passing her to Izzy. He clapped Tucker on the back. “About time!”

Isabel wrapped her arm around her sister’s waist, rolling her eyes. “I’ve got to get her cleaned up,” she said as she guided her twin to the stairs. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

“So you’re not mad at me anymore?” Annie asked in her loud, drunken whisper.

“No, Annie, I’m not mad. Not unless you throw up anywhere but the bathroom.”

“Good… Oh! You were too mad last night, but I have news! Jet and I had sex yesterday!”

Isabel’s head whipped around in shock, her eyes wide in surprise. Jet looked over at the sofa to avoid her gaze, but she was staring straight at Tucker. She shook her head slightly and gave him a pleading look just before they were out of sight. He gave her a quick understanding nod. What happened in the twins’ bedroom that night was to stay between them.

“Goodnight!” Annie screamed down moments later.

Jet chuckled, and Tucker reached over to clap his friend on the back. “So, you and Annie did it, huh? How was it?”

Jet’s easy grin spread wide. “Worth the wait.”

Tucker nodded. “That’s great, man. Good for y’all.”

“Thanks,” he replied, leaning back in his chair. “So, what happened with the whole Wesley situation? Does it have anything to do with what happened to your face?”

Tucker gave Jet a blow-by-blow of the night’s events, careful to omit what happened upstairs.

“Damn,” Jet commented when Tucker finished. “So what’s the plan?”

“I’ve gotta call my dad. There’s no way I’m leaving the girls by themselves tonight. Izzy’s freaked out enough, so I’m just going to tell my dad I’m sleeping the party off at Hector’s and sleep here on the couch. I don’t want my mom to see my face tonight anyway.”

“Good idea.”