Page 134 of Finding Fate

“Got it,” Jet grinned.

“Sorry, Stefano,” Annie said quietly, a little embarrassed at being caught.

“Happy birthday, Annie,” he replied.


“You’d better come back out.” It was all he said before he walked off, but she understood what he meant. The moms were anxious to wish her the same.

She braced herself for the exclamations as she and Jet followed Stefano back out to the living room, and her mother rushed up as soon as she was in sight. “Happy birthday, baby!”

Helen came up next and gave her a big hug. “Eighteen already! How did it happen?”

Annie waited while everyone took their turns and thought about how awkward it felt not to be sharing this with Izzy. Her thoughts had started drifting back to her sister when Chuck spoke up.

“So how does it feel? Eighteen and grown up.”

“Uh…” was all she could reply. She didn’t feel remotely different. “Am I supposed to feel grown up?”

“Absolutely not,” Bridgette exclaimed. “You don’t need to feel grown up yet. You’re still young. Enjoy it.”

Annie smiled. “Thanks, Mom.”

“Can we go do poppers out back, Mom?” Chris called out.

“Sure, go ahead. The box is on the table. Just make sure you all put on your jackets.”

All of the kids rushed out of the room, and Annie pulled Jet with her as she followed the kids out back, grabbing her coat along the way. She went to sit on a swing, Jet standing behind her with his hands on the chains. They watched their siblings play in the yard.

“Good birthday so far?” he asked as he gave her a light push.

“So far,” she agreed.


“But,” she sighed and turned to so they could share a smile. “It’s weird without Izzy here.”

“She wouldn’t be having a good time if she was.”

“No, I know. But it’s still weird. She’s so withdrawn, Jet. I don’t like it.”

“Tucker, too,” he replied sadly, thinking about how Tucker spent all of his time in his room and the tortured look that was always in his best friend’s eyes now. “He’s not doing well at all. I think he blames himself.”

“Well, that’s stupid.”

“I know.”

“He needs to get over it. It’s not helping anything, and Izzy needs him.”

“And he needs her.”

“Yeah, I know. Don’t get me wrong, Jet. I worry about Tucker, too, but Izzy’s my sister.”

“I know, sweetheart.”

“They are so frustrating. I feel like we’re back to square one when they didn’t even know they liked each other.”

He saw her biting her lower lip. “Give it time, Annie. They don’t need us butting in. We don’t know what they’re going through.”