Page 127 of Finding Fate

“No, I just find it annoying when you do that.”

“Do what?”

“Make me love even the things I find irritating about you.”

He smiled widely. “If it irritates you, I’ll have to do it more often. You look cute when you’re annoyed.”

“You’re both annoying right now,” Tucker grumbled into his hand.

Annie and Jet shared a look of humor. “Sorry, dude. We thought we were being quiet enough.”

Tucker lifted his head and rubbed his hands across his face. “What time is it?” he mumbled almost incoherently.

“A little after six,” Annie replied.

“Already?” He felt like he’d just dozed off.

“Yeah. You know, you might get a little more sleep if you were actually in a bed, Tucker.”

“Don’t start, Annie.” He was not in the mood to go through that conversation again. His sleeping problems weren’t going to be solved by a bed. He’d still have the same unsettling images running through his mind. Even if that weren’t the case, he’d still be here with Izzy.

“Anything happen while I was out?” he asked, standing up slowly to move his stiff muscles. He winced at the sharp twinge in his back when he straightened it, feeling as if sharp knives were jabbing at him. He couldn’t even breathe too deeply with the pain, or the stabbing would hit his ribs as well.

Annie rolled her eyes at Jet, trying to make her point about Tucker, but then answered. “She might wake up soon.”

“What?!” he cried, and immediately regretted the outburst as the stabbing struck him again. He sat back down, breathing slowly while he waited for the pain to settle.

Annie waited for his expression to calm. “The doctor came in to check on her right after you fell asleep. He said she’ll probably wake up before tonight.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” he demanded.

“Because you needed sleep, Tucker. You look awful.”

“Whatever, Annie.”

“She’s just concerned about you, man. We all are,” Jet said in defense.

“I’m fine. It’s Izzy you should be worried about.”

“We are,” they replied.

“Why?” came the faint murmur from the pale lips up at the pillow.

* * *

Sounds were muffled at first. Even when she was able to distinguish her friends’ voices, their words blurred together in her ears.

Isabel was able to make out a steady beeping noise from somewhere close by and wondered what it was. It didn’t sound like anything in her bedroom, and why would the guys be up in her room when she was sleeping in the first place?

She worked to concentrate on their conversations, trying to turn the muffled noises into words she could understand. Did Annie just say something about a doctor? Why would she need a doctor? Unless it had something to do with her throbbing head. And why did it hurt to breathe? Her whole body seemed to ache now that she thought about it.

She focused on the conversation again, hoping they’d explain what was going on.

Tucker sounded annoyed. “About what?” she wondered, and then she heard him say they should be worried about her. That didn’t make sense. She was just sleeping, wasn’t she? This whole listening in thing was only making things more confusing. She wanted answers.

“Why?” Isabel asked, interrupting their conversation. She was surprised at how frail her voice sounded.

No one answered at first. She was beginning to wonder if they had even heard her when Tucker’s voice came from next to her.