“You shouldn’t have fought him,” his mother scolded. “You know how I feel about that.”
Chuck spoke up in Tucker’s defense. “Leave him alone, Jenna. He was just defending his girlfriend.”
Hector’s expression became puzzled. “I thought y’all were engaged?”
The four other teenagers groaned. Hector might have stepped up tonight, but he sure knew how to make a difficult conversation worse.
The three adults looked at Hector in surprise, then Bridgette glanced back to Tucker. “What?” She sounded confused.
Tucker glared at his friend.
“They haven’t told their parents yet,” Emma explained.
Hector’s eyes widened as understanding took its place. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. You said it in front of everyone when the paramedics were there.”
“So it’s true?” Jenna asked, looking at her son.
“Yes,” he replied.
“When?” his father asked, accusation in his tone as though he thought the teens had been hiding it from them.
“It was just this afternoon. Yesterday afternoon,” he corrected, looking at the clock and seeing it was past two in the morning now. “I gave her Nana’s ring.”
“Nana’s ring?” his mother asked.
“Yeah, Nana pretty much forced me to take it over Thanksgiving.”
“You’re too young to get married,” Bridgette said tersely from her seat.
“No, we know that,” he explained quickly before their parents could get any more upset. “We have no intention of getting married anytime soon. It’s just that we know we’re going to one day, and we thought it would be a good way to show our commitment for when Destiny arrives. We love each other,” he finished with intense sincerity.
No one said anything for a few moments. Tucker looked into the green eyes the twins had inherited, waiting for Bridgette’s response, well aware the acceptance would be hardest to receive from her.
After several seconds passed, she gave a nearly imperceptible nod. “I know you do.”
“That’s great, sweetie,” Jenna said with her warm smile. “As long as you definitely wait.”
“No problem, Mom.” That was one condition neither he nor Izzy would have a problem keeping.
Satisfied, Jenna wrapped him in a hug, and he winced again, his body cringing as the steady throb in his back changed to shooting pains beneath his mother’s touch.
“That’s it. You’re getting checked out,” his mother commanded.
“I’m fine,” Tucker insisted.
“Dude, just do it. It looks pretty bad,” Jet said from across the room.
“No!” he finally shouted. “I’m not leaving here until we know about Izzy!” “…and Destiny.”
He looked around at them wildly, determination in his eyes. Let them try getting him to leave this waiting room before then. His physical pain was nothing compared to what he was feeling inside.
“I know you’re worried, sweetie, but,” his mother started before her husband cut in.