“He cooks too? What’s your MOS?”
“His what?” Kendra eyed Clara like she’d said something dirty.
“Military occupational specialty,” Linc explained. “Engineer and anything to do with computers.”
“Those are opposite ends of the spectrum,” Clara commented.
“What can I say? I’m well-rounded.” He shrugged.
“I bet you are.” Clara grinned. “Maybe we can double date so Derrick can meet you. We can go to the shooting range and then to dinner.”
The shooting range wasn’t exactly what he had in mind for a date with Kendra, but if he passed muster with her cousin, that wouldn’t be bad. “I’ve got a while left on this deployment, but after that, sure.”
Linc tookJalen to the playground and made him run around for an hour to expend some energy, though it didn’t guarantee he would nap later.
“I packed some snacks and his backpack with his things, so he won’t have to come back here. I also downloaded a couple of episodes of his favorite shows onto my tablet to keep him from getting too bored,” Kendra told Linc after they returned.
That she’d also cleaned up the kitchen and bathrooms, washed sheets, and had them in the dryer was the kind of optimism Linc needed. “I haven’t said anything about Bricoming home today,” he told her. “If I did, he’d ask a million times how much longer. And I don’t want him disappointed if there’s a glitch.”
Linc went back to the garage and moved the booster seat back into his car. Then he retrieved the goldfish crackers from Dev’s seat and floor. He’d add a car wash and tank of gas to the list of things he owed Dev. For two guys with opposite backgrounds, they’d clicked from Dev’s first week joining the Bad Karma team. Linc and the rest of the team hadn’t known then that Dev came from averywealthy family. But he worked as hard as any guy on the team. Smart as hell and, being an adrenaline junkie, up to any challenge.
This team was the best Linc had ever worked with due largely to Chief Lundgren’s leadership. Linc could lose his spot if he had to stay here for Bri and Jalen for an extended period. Being transferred to another team wasn’t theworstthing that could happen, but it would suck because this was more than a team—they were his family, not by blood, but by choice.
He went inside the house and dumped the crackers into the trash. Since he wouldn’t leave for a couple more days, he’d have time to come back and clean out the fridge, take out the trash, and do whatever else needed to be done later.
Clara knocked on the door a few minutes before noon. “I got word their flight landed in Atlanta. They have about a three-hour layover. An undercover HSI officer is keeping an eye on them to make sure there’s no handoff there. We’re ready to roll.”
Linc picked up Jalen’s camouflage backpack. “J-man, we’re going for a ride.”
“Back to Beckham’s house?”
“Not today. But maybe later this week, we can go to the park.”
Before getting to the airport outside Raleigh, an airliner passed low over them on the highway.
“Are we here to get Mommy?” Jalen strained against the seatbelt holding him in his booster seat to peer at the plane.
Linc knew better than to lie. Jalen might have some learning issues, but there was no doubt in Linc’s mind that this kid was smart. “We are. But her flight doesn’t get in for a while. Miss Clara and I have to go to the airport, and you’re going to stay with Miss Kendra. Then we’re going to surprise Mommy. I need you to be good and not ask how much longer every five minutes.”
Clara turned into the cell phone lot and motioned for Linc to pull alongside her. Kendra lowered the window.
“I’m not sure how long this will be. Linc, you can ride with me, and Kendra can take Jalen somewhere for lunch.”
“Good idea,” Linc agreed.
“Park in the central lot between the terminals when you get back,” Clara instructed Kendra.
He got out of the car to switch places. As they met at the front of the car, he handed Kendra his keys and pulled out his wallet. “Let me give you money for lunch.”
“Not necessary.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll put it on your tab.” She gave a playful wink and smile before getting in the driver’s seat and closing the door.
Linc climbed into the passenger seat of the van. Clara’s smug smile made him keenly aware she had been watching them.
“So, how much sway does Grandma Ruby have?”
“You mean when it comes to her feelings about family members getting involved with military men? You know that saying,she’s a force to be reckoned with?”
That didn’t sound good.