“We need a place to stay off their radar. Can we crash at your place?”
“You know you don’t have to ask. Anything you and J-man need. Keys to the Camaro should be on the counter.”
“You’re fine with me borrowing your car?” he asked for Kendra’s benefit.
“Not for teaching a defensive driving class, but other than that, yeah. Angela’s been swinging by to start it up and takes the Ducati out every few weeks. I’ll have Vincenti let her know you’re there.”
“Have him text me her number. I may need some intel she can access.” With Angela’s FBI and CIA background, Vincenti’s girlfriend had connections that had helped the team in the past. Maybe she could pull a rabbit from the hat to find out who this Tonya was and where she and his sister were in Mexico.
“Just a thought,” Dev used his diplomatic tone, “but her best shot could be to go with it. Bring the drugs in, then turn them over to authorities.”
“But if she’s caught, she could spend decades in a Mexican prison.”
“She proves it was under duress. Testifies. She could get off. Better than what the cartel could do if she refuses.”
“But there’s no way to tell her that.” They had her grandmother, but they knew she’d do anything to protect Jalen. They neededhim.
After the tech confirmed there weren’t trackers on their cars, Clara greenlit Linc’s plan to have an officer drop Kendra’s car at her apartment while they went to his friend’s house. Kendra didn’t get a say and couldn’t even go by her apartment to get a change of clothes or a toothbrush. She was now going to be confined with her client’s child—that part she was okay with—but also with Bri’s alpha brother.
“I hungry.” Jalen batted his long lashes at Linc as he buckled him in his booster seat.
“What do you want for dinner?”
“Hot dog with French fries and ketchup.”
“Big surprise.” Linc raised his gaze to Kendra. “Will’s Grill okay with you? I doubt there’s food at Dev’s place.”
“Sure.” It beat fast food.
“We’ll eat, and then you and I can build a fort in Mr. Devin’s living room.”
“Do I get to sleep in the fort?”
“You sure do.”
“Can Champ come?”
“We left him at home, so not tonight. We’ll bring him on our next camping trip,” Linc promised.
“When’s Mommy coming home?” Jalen asked.
“She’s still on her trip,” Linc said.
“Where’s Grams?”
“She wasn’t feeling well. But you’ve got me.”
There was a definite catch in Linc’s voice. Instead of his usual alpha warrior posture, he seemed like a regular human. One with vulnerabilities—at least when it came to kids. His patience in answering Jalen’s barrage of questions made him attractive in a way Kendra had not counted on.
After they picked up their food, Linc drove to a neighborhood of mostly brick ranch homes close to the base. He got out and punched in the code on the keypad of the detached garage, then parked inside next to a sleek, red motorcycle. A sporty, metallic blue sedan occupied the right side of the garage.
The inside of his friend Devin’s house was clean and decorated in a contemporary style. This guy liked nice things. It didn’t jive with what she knew about Army salaries. She wondered what Linc’s home looked like.
“You can have the main bedroom.” Linc pointed to the open door before placing the bags of food on the kitchen table. He moved to the cabinet and removed plates.
“No need to dirty plates. We can eat out of the boxes,” Kendra offered.