Page 38 of Complicated Past

“I haf to go to the bathroom.” Jalen pulled up the front of his shorts.

“Of course you do. Is it okay to use one here?” Linc asked Clara.

“Yeah, they’ve processed the entire scene.”

“Will you come wif me? Jalen asked Linc. “I don’t like it here.”

Kendra watchedJalen take Linc’s hand, and the two disappeared into the bathroom. Even Jalen picked up on the vibe in the house. “Am I free to go home now?” she asked Clara.

“I’m afraid not until we know where Spivey is. He could be looking for you, and we don’t know if Tawnya will relay our claim that Malloy got you both. I don’t think it’ll be too much of a hardship for you to be stuck with your sexy protector a little while longer.”

“You don’t need to do me any favors.”

“I’m not. I can see you two are on the same page. He really is good with Jalen too.” Clara leaned closer. “I know that’s a plus in your book,” she said lowly. “You give Grandma Ruby a great grandbaby, and she might overlook him being military.”

“I don’t know about that. Why don’t you work on that great-grandbaby stuff since he and I haven’t even been on a date.”

“We are working on it. Well, just having fun practicing for now. You could use a little more fun in your life.”

It had been months since she’d ended things with Marcus, and they hadn’t had much fun in bed. Thinking about Linc had her longing for the kind of ‘fun’ Clara referred to. That, in and of itself, was a good turnaround.

The toilet flushed. Linc’s clear reminder to Jalen to wash his hands made her wonder how much of her and Clara’s conversation he overheard.

Which was worse, the sexy protector part or Clara outing how much she wanted kids before they had even kissed? Though, damn, she wanted to kiss him. And for him to kiss her in a way that wouldn’t be appropriate in front of his nephew. Thinking about it, her body tingled in all the right places in a way it hadn’t in—probably ever.

Linc opened the bathroom door. “I want to take him to the hospital to see his Grams. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Not at all. That’s thoughtful of you. I’m sure a visit from him will be better than medicine.”

“Call me after you talk with Homeland Security. I need to know that plan,” Linc said to Clara.

“Call me if Mrs. Feldman remembers anything useful,” Clara countered.

“I will. We’re a team—whether you like it or not.” Linc didn’t back down as he met Clara’s direct gaze, exuding confidence that made Kendra glad they were on the same team.


While Linc took Jalen up to see his Grams, Kendra emailed her clients to reschedule her Monday appointments. She hated to do that when it seemed unlikely that any of Tawnya’s associates would know how to find her on a client visit. She’d been verbally threatened at least a half dozen times in her six years on the job. The only time she had been physically threatened was when a parent pulled a knife on her. Understanding they were desperate, she hadn’t felt truly in danger, though she had left and came back with a police officer.

This was different. Members of a drug cartel knew where she lived and where she worked. Would they just move on or blame her for having a part in busting up their operation after Malloy, Tawnya, and hopefully whoever was above her were arrested?

Linc made her feel safe, but he’d head back to Europe to finish his deployment after this week—unless they didn’t get Bri back safely. Then what? Maybe she’d ask Linc to give her a self-defense lesson and tips.

She finished rescheduling and started reviewing her emails when Linc’s rich laugh drew her gaze to his approach. She didn’t know what he and his nephew were talking about, but thesight of them together made her heart beat faster. As good and protective as he was with his nephew, she could imagine what kind of father he would be.

“Was it good to see Grams?” She put her phone back in her bag, hoping Linc didn’t see the effect he had on her.

Jalen nodded. “She needs to rest more, so she can’t go home wif us.”

“Is she doing better?” She asked Linc.

“They still have her on sedatives, so she’s a little loopy, but seeing Jalen calmed her and should help her sleep. I thought we’d go back to the house and fix some dinner there. I’m not sure how long this one will last tonight.” He placed a hand on Jalen’s shoulder and turned him around to exit the waiting area.

“Did you find out anything about Malloy?”

“I asked, but they wouldn’t give me any information. I figure Clara can find out.”

On the short drive back to Devin’s, they played a game of I Spy that became comical, since by the time Jalen picked an item, it was usually in the rearview mirror.