"Anunusually quiet gang," I said to Solomon as we walked over to meether.
"They'reup to something," said Solomon. "I'm armed."
"Youcannot resort to the idea of shooting my family every time theyseem like they’re up to something."
"Whynot?" he asked. "What do you do?"
I pulleda face. Shooting was often at the top of my list too. No, there wassomething else that came above that. "I get food first," I toldhim.
Themoment we stepped into the kitchen, streamers sailed over our headand a champagne cork popped. A glass was pressed into myhand.
"Welcomehome!" chorused everyone. I looked around at the assembled people:my parents and siblings: Garrett, Daniel, Jord and Serena; theirspouses: Traci, Alice, Lily and Delgado; and children. A homemadebanner was strung across the kitchen cabinets. A welcome home cake,featuring an iced copy of our house, stood on the kitchen island.The party was bright, warm, and welcoming. Everything I needed in ahome, although I meant what I said before. Home was whereverSolomon was. So long as it wasn't a mud hut in someplaceawful.
"Do yournew tenants love your house?" asked Mom, pressing through the smallcrowd.
"They'redelighted," I replied as she handed me a small box with a big bow.I thought of Natalie and Hugo smiling at each other and thepromises to still visit often. "I think they will be happy therefor a long time although I have an idea of where they willeventually move onto."
"Boston?" asked Mom.
I shookmy head. I thought Bedford Hills if Natalie and Hugo’s romanceworked out. "Never mind. What's this?" I asked, shaking thebox.
"Oh,no!" I paled. "Where did you find it?"
"No, notyourbra. The one I made for you. I thought I'd tell you in advancethis time before you opened it because you seemed so surprised lasttime. Also, what do you mean 'where did I find it'? Do you takeyour bra off in places besides your home and forget to put it backon?"
OverMom's shoulder I exchanged a glance with Lily who giggled and mimedunhooking a bra and swirling it around her head. Obviously, I hadabsolutely no idea why she would do that since I’d never done it inmy life. "Nope," I said.
"Oh,good. I remember that time Mrs. Cohen from your high school told meshe thought she saw you and Lily once..."
"Wasn'tme!" I cut in.
"Wastoo!" mouthed Lily.
"PoorMrs. Cohen," I continued. "Very senile."
"She'sin MENSA." Mom frowned and shook her head. "I saw your case on thefront page of the newspaper. Why didn't they mention you? Yousinglehandedly caught and foiled a counterfeiting ring inMontgomery! I told everyone!"
"Ididn't singlehandedly," I reminded her.
"That’sthe way I’m telling it," said Mom. "You even caught Garrett's perpin his murder case."
"Well,that's true," I smiled with satisfaction at the thought of Oliverdangling from the forklift truck. It was a gloriousmoment.
"I wouldhave caught him eventually," sighed Garrett. "The case wasn'texactly working in my favor, given the lack of leads or evidence;plus Lexi had an agency and the Feds at hand. I have anoverstretched team on an even more overstretchedbudget."
Mompatted his hand. "We understand, Garrett. Plus, we should be gladLexi could finally put her handbag-purchasing talent to good use.It's about time."
"I'vealways put that talent to good use," I told them.
"Youshould have been the star witness for the newspaper. They couldhave taken your photo!" said Mom.
"I don'twant to be on the cover. How will I ever catch people doinganything wrong if they know who I am?"
"I'm notsure you caught anyone this time," snickered Serena. "They blew upyour car."
"I gotyour money back, didn't I?" I shot back.