Page 100 of In the Line of Ire

"But Ihaven't done anything!"

"We haveeverything on tape and your sister was arrested a few minutes ago,"said Solomon. He pressed a finger against his ear like he wasreceiving a transmission. Of course, we knew the line was silent."Apparently, she's singing like a canary. Says you're behindeverything and she’s ready to make any kind of deal with theDA."

"It'snot true!" sobbed Joan. "Carrie would never do that!"

"Whatthe hell is going on here?" screamed a voice from thedoorway.

We allturned to look at Magda striding across the loading bay, the doorsbanging shut behind her.

"We'remaking arrests," said Delgado.

"Youcan't do that; you're a security guard," said Magda. She looked himup and down with undisguised pity.

"Undercover security guard but that’s correct, and I'm notmaking the arrests, he is," Delgado pointed to Maddox.

Magdaignored them both, fixing me with narrowing eyes. "I knew you wereup to something." She jabbed her finger at my chest. "I knew youwere no good. I bet you're behind all of this. Arresther!"

"I'm theprivate investigator on this case," I said. "I was workingundercover. I'm not the one being arrested."

"I don't believe you. Also, there's no way he's your realhusband," she said, glancing at Solomon. "He's in on this too.Whateverthisis.What is it anyway? Why is Joan in handcuffs? Why is Oliver crying?"She looked at the forklift, shaking her head, and decided it wasn'tworth asking about.

"Solomonis an investigator and yes, he is also my husband," I replied,mildly affronted now. I was sure she could figure out the rest onher own.

"Acounterfeiting operation has been successfully conducted throughyour department, right under your nose," said Maddox. "We've alsoascertained that Oliver murdered Alison Shore to keep her quiet.Either he or Joan persuaded her to get into the business and Olivergot rid of her."

"Huh. Ican't believe I work with you crazies. I quit!" Magda yelled. "Ihate this job anyway. Retail is the worst ever. People are so rude,everyone wants a discount and now, apparently all my colleagues arenuts. Oliver, I'll leave my resignation on your desk, effectiveimmediately, not that you'll read it. I'm going to open a doggrooming salon and I intend to be happy. I already had the businesscards printed. Take one!" She thrust a card into Maddox’shand.

"I don'thave a dog," he said, looking down at the small card.

"Call meanyway," she said before turning around and flouncingaway.

"I'mdisappointed Magda wasn't involved. I really wanted her to be thedastardly, evil mastermind," I said as I watched her speed walkingaway. "Mostly because she's such a power-hungry bitch andshamelessly wields what little power she has like a dictator. She,and all the people like her, are some of the reasons I always hatedtemping."

"Do youthink Maddox will call her?" asked Delgado.

"Only ifhe likes being shouted at," I said.

Maddoxlooked over. "I can hear you. The mics are stillactive."

"Are yougonna call her?" asked Delgado.

Maddoxshook his head. "Nope. I don't like being shouted at."

"Meneither," whimpered Oliver. "Magda is so mean."

"Oh, zipit," said Maddox as the rest of the FBI team swarmed the loadingbay. "Get these two outta here!"

Chapter Twenty-Two

"Are yousure about this?"

Solomonand I stood next to his car as we watched the moving men carryingseveral more boxes out to the truck we hired for the day. A fewmore trips and they would be done.

"Absolutely positive," I replied. The keys were in the palmof my hand, ready to hand over. As it turned out, our decisionabout where to live wasn’t hard. I just needed the right scenarioto appear at the right time.

"Andyou're sure you're okay with living at the other house?" he asked."The flashbacks have stopped?"

"I thinkso. And yes, I'm okay with ordering delivery food so long as wecheck the doorbell camera before opening the door," I replied."That was a good idea of Polly's."