Page 89 of In the Line of Ire

Solomonmade the call and waited. "Lucas says he will ping it and trackdown the location if it's still active," he told us after hangingup. Almost immediately his phone rang again. "You can ask her," hesaid, handing the phone to me.

"Lexi?"Maddox's worried voice sounded in my ear. "Whathappened?"

"Oh, theusual. I was just minding my own business, taking photos of thecriminals of Montgomery when someone snuck up behind me and knockedme out."

"Thebastard," breathed Maddox.

"Morelike, the bitch," I said.

"A womandid it?"

"I don'tknow but I found a glove when I came to and it's a woman's glove,so yeah, I think so. Charlaine met another woman at the secondrendezvous point. I caught the whole exchange on mycellphone."


"Not somuch," I sighed. This really wasn't going well for me. "They stolemy cellphone."

"Doesthe camera roll still back up to the cloud that you share with yourtablet?" asked Maddox.

I sat upstraighter. "Yes, it does!"

"Thenyou didn't lose the footage. You can access it from yourtablet."

"Thankyou!" I gushed, delighted at hearing this small piece of goodfortune. "Where are you now?"

"Stakingout the warehouse. Solomon probably told you we lost the carwithout getting a chance to see who was driving it. No one is herenow so we're poking around inside to see what we canfind."

"Becareful," I warned him. "These people mean business."

"Noted,"said Maddox. "I'll call later with an update." He hung up and Ihanded the phone back to Solomon. "We need to check my tablet rightaway! The camera roll on my phone backs up to the cloud. We mightbe able to access the images I took after all!"

Solomonchecked his phone. "That's good because Lucas says he can't pingyour phone. It's been switched off. I think it's safe to say it'sgone."

"Theymight have tossed it inside Lexi's car when they set it on fire,"said Delgado.

"Lexi,where is your tablet now?" asked Solomon.

"Home,"I told him.

"Home,"repeated Solomon as he fired up the engine. It didn't take long toget home and by the time we arrived, my head was itching from thesmall amount of matted blood still clinging to my hair. I wanted toget my tablet, take off my clothes and put on a clean outfit.However, before we could even make it out of the car, Solomon'scellphone pinged again. "Hold up," said Solomon, pausing. "Idiverted all your alerts to me and we just got notice that thecamera at Linden Street was triggered a few minutesago."

"We needto get there now! It could be the weirdo trying to scare NatalieMorgan out of her home! Drive!" I said, buckling up the seatbelt Ijust released.

"Not sofast," said Solomon. "We still need that tablet."

"I canget it," said Delgado. "I'll call the agency for a ride over andget the photos checked out while you deal with thiscase."

I pulledmy keys from my pocket and handed them to him. "The tablet is inthe living room. The password is..." I paused andgulped.

"Is itone, two, three, four?" asked Delgado.

"Ha-ha,very funny. It's-" I rolled my eyes and sighed and prepared toembarrass myself. "It's the numeric equivalent of 'I loveJ'."

"Aww,"said Delgado. "Cute."


"Lame,but cute," he continued.