Page 79 of In the Line of Ire

"Youmight have just solved our case," I said, holding up thenewspaper.

"I'mstill a crime-fighting wonder," said Dad. "Don't tell yourmom."

"Ibought that newspaper," said Daniel. "Where's mycredit?"

"IpassedLexi the newspaper," argued Dad.

Serenastepped into the living room and looked around at us. "Dinner isserved," she said. "No thanks to your help."

"You'rewelcome," said Daniel. "Last one to sit at the table sucks." Thenhe grabbed his kids and ran for a seat.

Solomonand I shook our heads at each other but followed promptly. In thechaos of trying to fit everyone around it, we ended up near the endof the table. Maddox sat on one side of me, and Solomon on theother. Lily, who’d barely arrived, shrugged off her jacket and satopposite, beaming at me, then at Solomon and Maddox. I ignoredher.

"Don'twait on ceremony. Start circulating those dishes," said Mom as shetook up her position at the head of the table. "Adam, it is so niceof you and your partner to join us. Will you be coming nextweek?"

"It'sjust a one-off," said Maddox. "We're all working a jobtonight."

"Keep mydaughter safe, all of you. I did not go through interminable hoursof labor just for her to get killed in a gunfight," said Mom. "Ifanyone shoots her, it should be me."

Dadstilled. "There's going to be a gunfight?"

"No,Dad," I said. "Where're Garrett and Traci?"

"Garrettwas held up late at work. Traci dropped the kids off and will behere later too," explained Mom. "Pass the potatoes. Make sure thechildren put enough food on their plates. Sadiq, do you want morepotatoes?"

"Yes,please, Mrs. G," said Sadiq. "You are an amazing cook."

"Thankyou. I didn't have a lot of time to prepare because I'm taking anew class at the Adult Ed Center but I do what I can for myfamily."

"You'retaking a new class?" asked Serena. "What is it now?"

"Just alittle class to keep busy," said Mom.

"Yes,but what..." continued Serena. Mom glared at her. "Sorry forasking," muttered Serena. She turned away with a sigh and looked atDelgado and her face softened. Then Jord walked in and thegreetings and talking started all over again. After shaking handswith everyone, Jord sat next to Lily and filled his plate. He tooka long look at me, then at Solomon, Maddox and Sadiq. Then his gazelanded on Daniel. Daniel shook his head and Jord slid him a bill.Daniel grinned hard.

"We justbusted a burglar a couple of blocks away," said Jord. "The dude hada garage full of stolen electronics."

"In ourneighborhood?" gasped Mom.

"Heburgled a lot of other neighborhoods," said Jord. "There's a teamgoing through every serial number on every piece of electronics andwe also found five grand in cash."

"Welldone, son," said Dad.

"AuntLexi and Uncle John and Uncle Adam and his boyfriend are going to agunfight later," said Sam, with a “beat that” expression on hisface.

Jord'sjaw dropped. "Losing my sister turned you gay?" he asked, staringat Maddox.

"Sadiqis my work partner not my special partner," snappedMaddox.

"UncleAdam keeps saying that but you know what Dad says about people whoprotest something too much," said Sam.

"UncleAdam is not my kind of cute," said Sadiq.

"Can Isee your gun?" asked Sam.

"No!"shouted everyone.

"What'sthis about a gunfight?" asked Jord.