Page 76 of In the Line of Ire

Maddoxlaughed. Even Sadiq and Delgado had smiles. When they finishedbeing amused at my expense, I motioned for Solomon tocontinue.

"Themeeting is taking place in the parking lot of a supermarket. It'sscheduled right after closing hours so we should expect the lot tobe mostly empty except for employee cars and last minute shoppers.That gives us some cover to blend into," explained Solomon. Hepulled out a notepad and sketched the parking lot as we watched."Lexi, you wait at the entrance since only you can recognizeCharlaine Beck. Once you've identified her and notified us whatshe's driving, then you can close in on foot and take your positionclose to where she parks. Does that sound good?"

"Yes, noproblem," I agreed. "I need to be close enough to identify hercontact if it turns out to be a mall employee."

"Ishould be close by too. Two sets of eyes are better than one. Wecould be here," Maddox indicated, tapping his finger on the sketch."Sadiq and I can park here and hop out when we know the exactlocation on the lot where the meeting is taking place."

"Itwon't be out in the open," said Sadiq. "We can assume they will betransferring the goods so they have to park close together, andsomewhere away from cameras. That pretty much leaves this area bythe dumpsters and this area over here."

"Iagree," nodded Solomon. "Delgado, you should stay near thedumpsters, and use them as cover."

"I'llwear my tramp outfit," said Delgado.

"Youhave a tramp outfit?" I wondered out loud, wondering about Fletcherand Flaherty's covers at their stakeout.

Delgadonodded. "Sure. Doesn't everyone? Comes in handy for stakeouts atthe dump. Plus, I often make a couple of bucks as an addedbonus."

"Notthis time," said Solomon, holding back a laugh.

"Do youhave a tramp outfit?" Delgado asked me.

"Dependson whom you ask," I quipped.

"We'llall meet at nine o’clock at the gas station around the corner andget our mics in place. Any questions?" asked Solomon, ignoring usboth.

"Wherewill you be?" I asked.

Solomontapped his finger on the map. "Over here, in the car. I'll have atelephoto lens to gather evidence. I'll email anything usable toyou guys tomorrow," he added, nodding to Maddox, and then Sadiq."Until then, I suggest everyone go home and get some rest. Eat ameal or something."

"You allwant to grab something together?" asked Sadiq.

"We'rehaving dinner at my parents’ house," I said, indicating Solomon,Delgado, and me.

Sadiqlooked around. "All of you?"

"They'reall related," said Maddox.

"Evenyou?" Sadiq asked Delgado.

"Yes,even me. I'm their brother-in-law," Delgado replied, pointing tome, then at Solomon.

"This isone close-knit town," said Sadiq. "Do you have any other sisters?"he asked me.

"Onlythe one Delgado is married to," I said.

"Damnshame. I was hoping to get an invite for family dinner."

"You cancome with us," I said. "My parents always make too muchfood."

"You infor that?" Sadiq asked.

Maddoxlooked at him blankly, then at me. I shrugged and nodded. I knew myparents would be happy to see Maddox. So would the rest of myfamily. They would proceed to make it hell for me but there wasn'tmuch I could do about that except to save my revenge for anotherday. Plus, it would be an excellent distraction from theircollective curiosity about the marital woes my motherinvented.

"Sure,"said Maddox.

"Great,"deadpanned Solomon. "This will be fun."
