Page 96 of Very Special Forces

"Don'tgive her any ideas. She might sign up as an Uberdriver."

"Wouldthat be so bad?" Dad wondered. "Lexi, I'm really happy for you. Iwant you to know that."


"I likeSolomon. He's a good man and I believe he will always be good toyou. That said, if it ever goes wrong, you can comehome."


"There'sno shame in our family, we’re just family. We stick together. We'llstick by Solomon too, for as long as he's a member of our family.He's one of us now, but you're my baby girl."

"Dad,are you crying?"

"No," hespluttered and squeezed my hand harder.

We weresilent a while as the car navigated towards the venue. My mind wasfull of making sure I didn't put my elegant heels into mud, ortrail my dress through grass or step on the hem since we opted foran outdoor wedding. If I strictly focused on those details, Iwouldn't think quite so much about Solomon waiting for me. Thethought of him at the rose arch made my heart race but in a goodway.

I wasbusy thinking about how handsome Solomon would look in his suitwhen the car spluttered, jolted, and lurched to a stop at the sideof the road.

"Whathappened?" asked Dad, leaning forward to talk to thechauffeur.

"It'sthe engine. Again," the chauffeur sighed.

"What do you meanagain?"

"It'snot the first time this has happened," he explained.

"Youdidn't mention that when we paid for the car!" said Dad.

"Ahh,"said the chauffeur as he hopped out before Dad could blow a gasketof his own. We waited while he popped the hood and a plume of smokefiltered out.

"This isnot good," I said.

Thechauffeur ducked his head through the front window. "So, this carisn't going anywhere," he said. "I'm going to call a towtruck."

"Youwant us to get to the church in a tow truck?" yelled Dad in a rareoccasion of losing his cool.

"Can youmaybe get someone to pick you up? We could call back the othercar."

"Callthe other car," I said, "get them here as fast as theycan."

Thechauffeur stood outside and opened his cell phone. "Cell phone'sdead," he called.

"Usemine," said Dad. He pulled his phone from his pocket and thrust itat the man.

"Great.Do you have the number?" he asked.

"No!" weboth yelled.

"Do youhave your phone in your dress?" asked Dad.

"No, Igave it to Lily!" I turned to Dad. "What are we going todo?"

"We'resix blocks away," said Dad.

"I can'twalk one block in these heels."

Dadpatted my leg. "We'll figure something out. I'll call Garrett orDaniel."