Page 77 of Very Special Forces

"Anexpensive streetwalker?"

"More ofthe bargain basement variety."

Lilypaused, then said, "Rude."

"Iknow." I sighed.

"Ahigh-class hooker would have been much better."

Ifrowned. "Do you really think so?"

"Yeah.There was one time Jord and I..."

"Don'ttell me!" I cut in before she told me exactly what kind ofshenanigans she got up to with my brother. There were some mentalimages a person just couldn't unsee and I didn't need to spendevery family dinner for the next decade re-seeing them.

"Younever let me tell you stuff anymore!"

"If Imarried your brother, would you let me tell you stuff?"

"I wishI had a brother," Lily said wistfully.

"I gaveyou mine. And you got three extra brothers-in-law out of it and I'mabout to give you another brother-in-law."

"Sweetdeal," said Lily. "Can I give Serena back?"


"Isuffer for you."

"You aretruly the best friend I could have."

"Whichis why you're going to take me to a late lunch," said Lily. "I'mnot working today and Poppy wants to see her favoriteaunt."

"Youjust said that to get me to take you to lunch."

"Did itwork?"

"I'llsee you at Sushi Delights in an hour?"

Lilysquealed. "My favorite!"

I lookedup as Solomon walked in wearing black fatigues. "Gotta go. Get thatbaby ready for squishing," I said.

"Whatabout Poppy?" giggled Lily before she hung up.

"What'swith the camouflage?" I asked my fiancé.

"We havea meeting with Mitch about the tank takedown," he said, "then I'mvolunteering for the first watch while they get everything theyneed to into play."

"TheArmy can't do the surveillance themselves?" I asked.

"Mitchand his immediate superiors want all of this kept on the down-low.That means as few personnel knowing about it as possible to avoidany embarrassing leaks."

Inodded, understanding perfectly. "No one wants their stolen tankmaking the front-page news."

"Headswould roll," agreed Solomon. "So the whole team is watching thewarehouse in short rotations. I'll take the first three hours, thenDelgado. I need you to take the one after."

"Noproblem. Is Delgado cross about participating?" Iwondered.