Page 74 of Very Special Forces

"I'dlike to rent a parking space for an hour," said Solomon, producinga few bills. "That cover it?"

The manreached forwards, stretching his thin body before snatching themoney. "That'll cover it," he said.

"Not ascratch," warned Solomon.

The manglanced over the vehicle. "You coming back for it?"

"Yes,and I mean it. Not a scratch. I'll match what I gave you if youmake sure no one touches it." Behind him, one of my colleaguescocked his gun.

The manblinked and shuffled back into the shadows. "Not a scratch," herasped as he left.

Solomonreached into the trunk and pulled out four Kevlar vests, handingone to each of us and putting the last vest on himself.

"Really?" I asked, gulping as I put it on. I didn't need ananswer.

"Precautionary measures. Let's go," said Solomon.

"Whereare we?" I asked.

"Behindthe warehouse," he said.

"How doyou know that? You can't even see it from here."

"Wedon't need to," chipped in Fletcher. He pointed to the alley at theside of the building that we walked towards. "It's through thereand half a block south."

"I don'teven know which way south is. How does everyone else always seem toknow the direction of the compass points?" I wondered.

"Built-in compass," said Solomon. "Remember, these could beex-military contractors and they'll be armed. They’re keeping a lowprofile but they'll be watching everything. Look up, around you,and keep your heads down. This is purely reconnaissance. We're notengaging."

"I knewthe direction because I looked at the map on my phone," saidFlaherty softly in my ear. "Also, these two have been here before,just a month back while on a stakeout."

"I feelbetter now," I decided.

Solomonput a finger to his lips and picked up the pace. The four of usjogged the length of the alley, paused to check the exit was clear,then turned, concealed inside the shadow of the building as wepowered forward. Fletcher and Flaherty peeled off and slippedthrough another alley, quickly disappearing from view. Solomon andI proceeded cautiously, reaching the warehouse a little more than aminute later. Just like the front of the building, it looked empty.The windows were dirty, the doors closed, and no lights illuminatedthe inside. If the tank were still there, the thieves were keepinga very low profile.

I tappedSolomon's shoulder and pointed to the camera over the door. Henodded and looked upwards, then pointed. Fletcher leaned over theroof, gave the thumbs-up, and disappeared. "No snipers on theroof," said Solomon. "Let's go."

Wejogged forwards before darting across the strip of road separatingthe two buildings. The blacktop had cracked badly and thick weedsgrew between the cracks. We ran to the warehouse and movingquickly, reached the first window.

"I'mgoing to boost you up and let you take a look," saidSolomon.

"Are yousure?"

"Youcould boost me," he said as he cracked a smile.

"Maybenext time."

Solomoncupped his hands together and I raised my foot, anchoring it in hishands. He launched me up like I was a feather and I braced myselfagainst the flat wall of the building. "I think this is an office,"I said as softly as I could. "I can't see anything except a coupleof desks and an old mattress. Let me down."

Solomonlowered me and I placed my hands on his shoulders so I could dropto the ground with a light thud. "We'll try another window midway,"he said.

Midwayalong the building we stopped and he boosted me up again. "It'sanother office," I told him, squinting through a cracked window."But I think someone's been in there recently. I can see takeoutcoffee cups and there's... Get me down!" I hissed as the dooropened.

A man ina black jacket and cap entered just as Solomon quickly lowered me,my heart thudding. "We're in the right place. He's armed with asemi-automatic and... oh, shit!" I squeaked as my cell phone rang.I searched my pants pocket for it and pulled it out as it began totrill louder. Now was not the best time for Francesca to call. Ihit the "decline" button on the screen. A moment later, it rangagain and I frantically fumbled for the silencer button.

"Lexi,"whispered Solomon, shaking his head.

"Iknow," I whispered back, my face reddening. "I didn'tthink."