Page 65 of Very Special Forces

"Perfect. Hi, ladies!" Bryce broke into a smile as we steppedinto the room. The four women inside all looked up and smiled."This is Lexi. She might apply to temp with us so I'm showing heraround. Do you all love working here?"

Theladies nodded and smiled. "See?" said Bryce. "You'll love it heretoo. Debbie there is marrying one of the partners next month." Hewaved to her before we left. "It's not encouraged but theoccasional office romance does pop up. Debbie was lucky to getnoticed. I expect we'll be looking for another new temp once she'swed."

"Sheisn't staying on?"

Brycefrowned. "I can't see why she would once she has ahusband."

"Doesyour fiancée work?" I asked.

"Shedoes now but I know she wants to be at home. We're planning onstarting a family as soon as possible and she can't do that andwork," he said like I asked the most ridiculous question. "Sheknows I'll provide for her."

"That'sso great," I said weakly, wondering if Julia had any choice in thatdecision.

"Comethis way. The view over downtown Montgomery is great. We have arooftop space that we share with the other firms in the buildingbut you'll see that some other time. Here are the bathrooms andover there is the staircase emergency exit. Do you have anyquestions about the position?"

"Um,yes." I plundered my brain for some questions that related to myprevious life as a career temp. "Are there anybenefits?"

"Healthand dental are standard and vacation, which is based on how manyhours you work. It's better than most temps are offered. Your hourswill probably vary according to the work demands. Natalie will takeyou through that when you apply."

"Asidefrom typing and filing, is there much else I need todo?"

"Generaloffice duties. You might be assigned to someone for the day if theyrequire assistance or you might have to research, say, maybe anoffice party or a formal gathering. Sometimes, one of the partnerswill need help with corporate gifting or you might have to takenotes at a meeting. It varies. Does any of that sound like aproblem?"

"No, itall sounds fine."

"Great.How does your boyfriend feel about you working here?"

"He'svery supportive of the idea," I said.

"You'llbe home in time to make dinner so don't worry aboutthat."

I openedmy mouth, then shut it, which was probably the right reaction.Bryce wasn't interested in my opinion unless it was to tell him howfast I could type or did he want cream in his coffee? Be home tomake my man's dinner? Thankfully, Solomon and I both knew he was abetter cook than me, and also what was this, the 1950s?

"Thepartners all occupy offices on that corridor," Bryce continuedobliviously. "My office is this way. What do you think sofar?"

"Itlooks and sounds like a great place to work."

"Comeinto my office and I'll help you with the application."

"That'sreally kind of you." It would also be the perfect opportunity togrill him for information.

"Soyou're busy with the wedding plans, huh?" Bryce said as he directedus to another corridor. "When are you getting hitched?"

"In aweek."

"Lastfew days of freedom," he said and laughed. "I bet your husbandhates letting you out of his sight."

"Heunderstands that I'm independent."

"Maybewe can get you some extra work after the big day. This is myoffice." Bryce reached for the door handle and opened it, usheringme inside. The office wasn't huge but it was neat and tidy with adesk and chair occupying the central area and a bookcase againstthe wall. The window overlooked the parking lot which meant thepartners' offices on the other side of the building had the primespots overlooking the street. A signed baseball in a glass caseoccupied the desk along with a laptop. Several framed certificateswere displayed on the wall. "Take a seat and use the desk when youfill out the form."

I sat onthe visitor side of the desk and laid the application form out. Itlooked easy enough. Name, address, social security number and somespace to list my skills and references. "You must be lookingforward to getting married too," I said as I reached for a pen."Your fiancée seems like a nice person."

"Julia'sthe sweetest," he said as he took the chair opposite.

"Haveyou ever been engaged before?" I asked. It wouldn't take long tofill in the application form and I didn't have a lot of time toquestion him or find out who Jessica was.

"No. Iwanted to wait for the right person who would support me in mycareer and the things I want to do in life."